
Common Sense Management for Educational Leaders

This project is a book-length manuscript addressing the problems, issues, and challenges educational leaders face in a rapidly changing world. The introduction describes the strategic mind-set, which focuses on using information, taking advantage of new opportunities, being creative, and the importance of communication and consensus-building among stakeholders. We then systematically describe the common sense five-step model (market research, direction setting, strategy development, strategy implementation, and outcome assessment), a proven tool for managing strategically.

Challenges in Implementing Distance Learning Programs

The proceedings of a workshop at the inaugural conference of the Georgia Distance Learning Association produced a number of challenges to distance learning, which are posted on this page. We want to develop the page by linking to articles/pages that contain information addressing a particular challenge. Please send James L. Morrison URLs of pertinent articles along with a brief statement of how the article addresses the challenge. We hope that this page becomes an informative resource for colleagues struggling with implementing distance learning programs.

Intellectual Property, Copyright, and Distance Learning

Intellectual property and copyright in the distance learning age is a serious issue to educators. The purpose of this project is to link to informative sources that are available on the Web.

Issues Challenging Education

This page consists of contributed issue analysis papers on a number of issues challenging public and higher education. You are invited to contribute to this page.


Technology Tools for Today's Campuses

This collection of 72 articles by professors who have integrated various information productivity tools in their instruction was edited by James Morrison and published in CD-ROM format by Microsoft Corporation in July 1997. The collection is arranged by subject area and by type of information technology tool used. Microsoft distributed 15,000 copies of the CD free-of-charge. The CD is now out-of-print; the articles are published here with permission of Microsoft. Please contact Microsoft for permission to reproduce.

Essays on the Future of Secondary Education

This page contains a special issue of The High School Journal (December 1995/January 1996) that was developed on the Horizon site. The articles herein are copyrighted by the University of North Carolina Press and are reproduced with permission.

Integrating Productivity Tools in Primary and Secondary Education

This page contains a number of articles by teachers who describe their use of information technology tools in K-12 schools. This project was terminated when we redesigned The Technology Source to include articles from educators in all sectors of education.