James L. Morrison - Curriculum Vitae
Contact Information
2936 Buckingham Road
Durham, NC 27707
Phone: (919) 493-1834
Email: morrison@unc.edu
BS: The Florida State University, 1960
Major: Social Studies Education
MS: The Florida State University, 1961
Major: Social Science (Concentration in sociology)
Universitaet Heidelberg, 1964
(German language study)
Universitaet Muenchen, 1964-65
(Sociology; German language study)
PhD: The Florida State University, June, 1969
Major: Higher Education (Emphasis: Sociology of Higher Education)
- State of Florida Teaching Scholarship, 1956-60
- Southern Scholarship Foundation Scholarship, 1956-60
- Florida State University Graduate Fellowship, 1960-61
- Kellogg Foundation Fellowship, 1965-66
- Distinguished Graduate Award, Institute for Studies in Higher Education, Florida State University, 1981
- Outstanding Paper Award, Southern Association for Institutional Research, 1982
- Hall of Fame Award, Southern Scholarship Foundation, 1987
- Paper of the Year Award, Editorial Board, Planning in Higher Education
- Meritorious Service Medal, Department of the Army, 1990
- Legion of Merit, Department of the Army, 1991
- Polk County Schools (Florida) Hall of Fame, 1993
- Microsoft Scholar, 1996-98
- Distinguished Scholar Award, American Educational Research Association Special Interest Group in Strategic Change, April, 1999
- Distinguished Alumni Award, Florida State University College of Education, 2013
- Microsoft Distinguished Faculty Fellow, 2013-2014
- Distinguished Educator Award, Florida State University College of Education, 2014 (see http://vimeo.com/jimmorrison/review/109513312/3c23d4d7b1)
- Commitment to Excellence Award, Florida State University Emeritus Alumni Association, 2015 (see https://vimeo.com/album/2836057/video/146543344 )
1964-1965 Part-Time Lecturer in Sociology
The University of Maryland
European Division (Germany)
1964-1965: Research Assistant to Professor E.K. Francis
Sociologisches Institut
Universitaet Muenchen
1966-1968: Research Assistant to Professor Robert E. Herriott
Department of Sociology
The Florida State University
1968-1969: Instructor, Center for the Study of Education
Institute for Social Research, and
Instructor, Department of Sociology
The Florida State University
1969-1973: Assistant Professor of Education and Sociology
Division of Education Policy Studies
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, Pennsylvania
Fall, 1973: Associate Professor of Education
Graduate Program in Higher and Adult Education
Division of Organizational Development and Institutional Studies
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
July, 1977: Promoted to Professor of Education
Program in Educational Leadership
School of Education
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
December, 2001: Professor Emeritus of Educational Leadership
- Founded and served as editor-in-chief, Innovate (2004 to 2009). Available online at http://innovateonline.info
- Co-founded and served as editor-in-chief, The Technology Source (1997 to 2003). Available online at http://technologysource.org/
- Founded and served as editor-in-chief, On the Horizon: The Strategic Planning Resource for Education Leaders (1993 to April 2000). Available online at http://www.emeraldinsight.com/loi.htm
- Founded and serve as list owner, Horizon List (1994 to present)
- Member, Editorial Board, The Internet and Higher Education (1997 to present). Available online at http://www.scis.nova.edu/ihe/
- Member, Editorial Board, The Source on Community College Issues, Trends & Strategies (2012-present). Available online at http://www.edpath.com/whoweare.html
- Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research (2014 to present). Available online at http://www.journal-jger.com/
- Guest Editor, Essays on the future of secondary education, The High School Journal. (1995 December-1996 January). Volume 79, No. 2. Available online at http://horizon.unc.edu/ projects/HSJ/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5et8OhmQs
- Consulting Editor, ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Reports (1988; 1991-92)
- Consulting Editor, American Educational Research Journal (1978-1980)
- Consulting Editor, Review of Educational Research (1982-84)
- Chair, Publications Committee, Association for the Study of Higher Education (1979-84)
- Member, editorial board, College Student Journal (1972-1984)
- Member, advisory board, ASHE/ERIC Research Report (1980-1984)
- Chair, editorial board, Review of Higher Education (1980-83)
- Member, editorial board, Review of Higher Education (1983-84)
- Member, Council of Higher Education Editors (1979-1984)
- Occasional reviewer, Planning for Higher Education
- Occasional reviewer, Journal for Higher Education
- Occasional reviewer, Social Forces
- Occasional reviewer, Review of Higher Education
- Occasional reviewer, American Educational Research Journal
- Manuscript reviewer, Jossey-Bass
- Manuscript reviewer, Prentice-Hall
- Manuscript reviewer, Sage
- Founded and served as first president, Special Interest Group for Postsecondary Education, American Educational Research Association (1977-78)
- AERA SIG/PSE Representative to the Coalition of Research Interests, American Council on Education (1977-78)
- Chair, Special Interest Group on Futures Research, American Educational Research Association (1983-84)
- Program Chair, Division J, American Educational Research Association (1983-84)
- Vice-President, Division J, American Educational Research Association (1984-86)
- Chair, Nominations Committee, Division J, American Educational Research Association (1988)
- Chair, Awards Committee, Division J, American Educational Research Association (1988)
- Member, Board of Directors, Association for the Study of Higher Education (1979-80; 1982-84)
- Member, Program Committee, Association for the Study of Higher Education (1980-81; 1991)
- Member, Awards Committee, Association for the Study of Higher Education (1988)
- Member, Nominations Committee, Association for the Study of Higher Education (1986)
- Member, Committee on Research Agendas and Taxonomy, Association for the Study of Higher Education (1978-79)
- Co-convener, Special Interest Group on Environmental Scanning, Association for Institutional Research (1997-2000)
- Member, ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education National Advisory Board (1981-84)
- Member, Advisory Committee for The Cooperative Institutional Research Program, American Council on Education (1982-86)
- Program Co-Chair, National Conference on Desegregation in Higher Education, Raleigh, North Carolina (1979)
- Member, Board of Directors, Southern Scholarship Foundation (1978-1991)
- Member, Developmental Studies Task Force, Department of Community Colleges, North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges (1983-84)
- Member, Consulting Faculty, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth, KS (1988-91)
- Member, U.S. Army Reserve, 1960-1992 (Retired, Colonel, Civil Affairs)
- Member, Environmental Scanning Committee, United Way of America (1985-1994)
- Member, Advisory Board, Middle East Institute for Higher Education (2008-2009)
- Microsoft Higher Education Advisory Board (2013-2014)
UNC-CH School of Education:
- Co-chair, Higher and Adult Education Program (1973-1978)
- Chair, Admissions Committee, Higher and Adult Education Program (1988-89)
- Member, Leave Committee (1988-90)
- Chair, Merit and Tenure Committee (1988)
- Member, PhD/EdD Committee (1986-88)
- Member, School of Education Dean's Search Committee (1989-90)
- Chair, Human Subjects Committee (1993-1996; 2000-2002)
- Member, PDS Technology Committee (2000-2002)
Consulting activities focus on assisting organizational leaders plan for their organization's future and working with faculty members about implementing technology-enabled active learning instructional methods. I have worked with the following organizations in this capacity:
Colleges (Caldwell, Hood, Lenoir-Rhyne, Saint Augustine's), universities (Alabama, American University in Cario, Arizona State, Cardinal Stritch, Clemson, Drexel, Edenboro, Kansas, Illinois, Indiana, International Christian [Japan], Lincoln [New Zealand], James Madison, Maine Maritime Academy, Multimedia University Malaysia, Nanyang Technological University [Singapore], Nanyang Polytechnic [Singapore], Qatar, Rochester Institute of Technology, Southwestern Adventist, Sunway [Malaysia], Tennessee, Thunderbird, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, the Virgin Islands, and Winthrop), university systems (Maine, Maryland, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), university continuing education centers (Georgia), community college systems (South Carolina), community colleges (Delta [MI], Houston Community College, Hawkeye Community College, Jamestown [NY], McHenry County [IL) College, Metropolitan Community College [Omaha], The Metropolitan Community Colleges [Kansas City), Northwestern Michigan College, Onondaga [NY], St. Cloud Technical College, William Rainey Harper [IL]), educational agencies (U.S. Department of Education; Alabama State Department of Education; the Ministry of Higher Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction; the Pennsylvania State Department of Education,), institutes (National Technical Institute for the Deaf; Middle East Institute for Higher Education), school systems (Midfield [AL] City Schools, Edenton-Chowan, Gates, and Perquimans [NC] Public Schools, Orange County [Orlando] Public Schools), educational consortia (Consortium for the Advancement of Public Education, Southeastern Regional Council for Educational Improvement), public agencies (U.S. Department of Labor, Public Pension Guaranty Corporation, California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, APEC Center for Technology Foresight, and in the Department of the Army, the Office of the Chief of Staff, the Office of the Chief Army Reserve, the USAR Personnel Center, the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, and the Office of Chief Public Affairs), and corporations (Andrulis Research Corporation, Caltex Petroleum Corporation, CBT Ltd, Compaq, Ethan Allen, Inc., Lisboa Associates, Microsoft, SCT, SmartForce, and the Thailand Electrical and Electronics Institute).
Morrison, J. L. (1969). The relationship of socialization experience, role orientation, and the acceptance of the comprehensive community college concept by public junior college faculty. Doctoral dissertation, The Florida State University. Abstract available online at http://tinyurl.com/36xgk85 and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ryVt8aNc.
Morrison, J. L., Renfro, W. L., & Boucher, W. I. (Eds.) (1983). Applying methods and techniques of futures research. New Directions in Institutional Research Number 39. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Archived athttp://www.webcitation.org/5ryWhe9yr.
Morrison, J. L., Renfro, W. L., & Boucher, W. I. (1984). Futures research and the strategic planning process. ASHE/ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education Research Report Series Number 9. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/futuresresearch/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5etD6R76T.
Boucher, W. I. & Morrison, J. L. (1989). Alternative environments for Army recruiting, 1987-2001 (Report No. 1493). Alexandria, VA: U. S. Army Research Institute for the Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Morrison, J. L. (1990). The alternative futures approach to long-range planning: A handbook for Army long-range planners. Washington, DC: Department of the Army.
Ashley, W. C. & Morrison, J. L. (1995). Anticipatory management. 10 power tools for achieving excellence into the 21st Century. Archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5etDNVpKp. Leesburg, VA: Issue Action Press.
Morrison, J. L. (1997). (Ed) Technology tools for today's campuses [CD-ROM]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/monograph/CD/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5etDr4vu3.
Norris, D. M. & Morrison, J. L. (Eds.) (1997). Mobilizing for transformation: How campuses are preparing for the knowledge age. New Directions in Institutional Research Number 94. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Morrison, J. L., Forbes, L., & Wilkinson, G. W. (2000). Common sense management for educational leaders. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/CSM/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5etEPWJhx.
Morrison, J. L. & Schultz, R. E. (1966). International education and the junior college. (Available from the Department of Higher Education, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida).
Munger, F. J. & Morrison, J. L. (1980). Design of a data base of educational indicators for use in policy analysis. Final report to the Southeastern Regional Council for Educational Improvement, Research Triangle Park, NC). Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED202161.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qsK3KIjO.
Morrison, J.L. (1989). An exploration of alternative futures facing the affirmative action program at Arizona State University: Implications for policy. (Available from the Office of the President, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.)
Morrison, J. L. & McAuley, W. J. (1972). A study of the needs of the aging in central Pennsylvania. (Available from the Allegheny Council on Aging, Johnstown, PA.)
Morrison, J. L. & Ferrante, R. (1973). Compensatory education in two year colleges. Available from The Center for the Study of Higher Education, University Park, PA.) Reprinted in Insights Into Higher Education: Selected Writings of CSHE, 1969-73. (1974). Volume II, 95-155. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED078818.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qsae1zpo.
Morrison, J. L., Watson, E. R., & Goldstein, J. (1975). Compensatory education in the two-year college: An interactionist perspective. Los Angeles: ERIC Clearinghouse for Junior Colleges Topical Paper Number 52. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED111455.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qsMah2dL.
Morrison, J. L. & Raney, D. L. (1989). Anticipating the future of the Army national guard. (Available from the National Guard Bureau, Washington, D.C.)
Morrison, J. L., Baunach, L., Binzer, C. & Havens, B. (1989). Planning for the future of public education in Eastern North Carolina. (Available from the Consortium for the Advancement of Public Education, Wilmington, NC.)
Morrison, J. L. & Mecca, T. V. (1990). ED QUEST: Linking environmental scanning to strategic management. (Available from The Society for College and University Planning, Ann Arbor, MI.)
Morrison, J. L. (1990). Using futures research in college and university planning: A handbook for planners in higher education. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED323866.pdf and abstracted at http://www.webcitation.org/5qpvoxMzV.
Morrison, J.L. (1991). Strategic planning focus on environmental scanning (Available from the Friday Center for Continuing Education, Chapel Hill, NC).
Morrison, J. L. (1991). An outside-in approach to management, analysis, and planning (Available from Virginia Association for Management, Analysis, and Planning, Richmond, VA).
Morrison, J. L. and William C. Ashley (1991). Proactive management. (Available from the Friday Center for Continuing Education, Chapel Hill, NC).
Morrison, J. L. (May, 1991). Strategic planning: Focus on environmental scanning (Available from the Friday Center for Continuing Education, Chapel Hill, NC).
Morrison, J. L. (June, 1991). An outside-in approach to management, analysis, and planning (Available from Virginia Association for Management, Analysis, and Planning, Richmond, VA).
Morrison, J. L. & Ashley, W. C. (June, 1991). Proactive management (Available from the Friday Center for Continuing Education, Chapel Hill, NC).
Morrison, J. L. (1992). Environmental scanning notebook. (Available from the Office, Chief Army Reserve, The Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20310-2400).
Morrison, J. L. and Ashley, W. C. (1993). Issues management: A decision-support system for managing uncertainty. (Available from the Friday Center for Continuing Education, CB# 1020, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599).
Morrison, J. L. (1992). Proactive management techniques. (Available from the Friday Center for Continuing Education, CB# 1020, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599).
Morrison, J. L., Wilkinson, G., and Forbes, Linda. (1993). Meeting the challenges of educational leadership: A handbook of strategic planning. (Available from H+E Associates, 12a Church Street, Stiffkey, Near Wells-next-Sea, Norfolk NR23 IQJ, England.)
Ashley, W. C. and Morrison, J. L. (1993). Anticipatory management: Surviving in a global economy. (Available from the World Future Society, 7910 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 450, Bethesda, MD 20814.)
Morrison, J. L. (1994). The educational leader's handbook to anticipatory management. (1994). (Available from On the Horizon, CB# 3500 Peabody Hall, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599.)
Morrison, J. L. (1994, 29 July- 1 August). Emerging issues on the horizon: The fourth global change international higher education strategic management seminar. (Available from On the Horizon, CB 3500 Peabody Hall, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599.)
Morrison, J. L. (1995, May). Anticipatory management. (Available from the Office of the Vice-Chancellor, Lincoln University, Christ Church, New Zealand).
Morrison, J. L. (1995, April 6-7). Environmental scanning: A tool for more effective planning. Preconference professional development seminar at the 1995 SCUP Joint Great Lakes and Midwest Regional Conference, Minneapolis, MN. (Available from the Society for College and University Planning, Ann Arbor, MI.)
Kingery, T. K. and Morrison, J. L. (1998). CBT systems instructor's handbook: Integrating CBT system's courseware into classroom education and distance learning. San Francisco, CA: CBT Systems.
Morrison, J. L. & Anderson, S. (1975). A new sexual ethic. In William P. Lineberry (Ed.), American colleges: The uncertain future (pp. 165-168). New York: H. W. Wilson.
Hackett, E. R. & Morrison, J. L. (1981). Policy impact analysis: An approach to planning and budgeting in higher education. In M. E. Christal (Ed.), Higher education planning and budgeting: Ideas for the 80's. (pp. 65-83). Boulder: National Center for Higher Education Management System.
Morrison, J. L. (1981). Policy impact analysis: Implications for use with regional data bases of social/educational indicators. In B. H. Willis (Ed.), Visions, issues and reality: A changing south. (pp. 207-313). Research Triangle Park, NC: Southeastern Regional Council for Educational Improvement.
Renfro, W. L. & Morrison, J. L. (1983). The scanning process: Getting started. In James L. Morrison, William L. Renfro, and Wayne I. Boucher (Eds.), Applying methods and techniques of futures research. New Directions for Institutional Research Number 39 (pp. 5-20). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Renfro, W. L. and Morrison, J. L. (1983). The scanning process: Methods and uses. In James L. Morrison , William L. Renfro, and Wayne I. Boucher (Eds.), Applying methods and techniques of futures research. New Directions for Institutional Research Number 39 (pp. 21-37). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Morrison, J. L. (1985). Establishing an environmental scanning process. In Ralph Davis (Ed.), Institutional renewal. New Directions in Higher Education Number 49 (pp. 31-37). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Morrison, J. L. & Neal, E. M. (1989). Educating community college leaders: A futures-oriented course at UNC-Chapel Hill. In N. A. Norris (Ed.), Community college futures: From rhetoric to reality (pp. 69-77; 117-147). Oklahoma City, OK: New Forums Press, Inc.
Morrison, J. L. & Mecca, T. V. (1989). Managing uncertainty: Environmental analysis/forecasting in academic planning. In J. C. Smart (Ed.), Handbook of theory and research in higher education (Vol. 5, pp. 351-382). New York: Agathon Press. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/ courses/papers/Mang.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5etMX2WFa.
Simpson, E. G., McGinty, D. L., & Morrison, J. L. (1990). Environmental scanning at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education. In D. M. Johnson (Ed.) A handbook for professional development in continuing higher education (pp. 106-114). Washington, DC: National University Continuing Education Association. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/bios/Morrison/papers/8.html
Morrison, J. L. (1990). The alternative futures approach to long-range planning. In Robert Taylor (Ed.), Army worldwide long-range planners' conference: America's Army--strategic leverage in the 21st century (pp. II-C-1 to II-C-3). Washington, D.C.: Department of the Army.
Morrison, J. L. and Chapman, A. M. (1990). Conference facilitator's guide. In Robert Taylor (Ed.), Army worldwide long-range planners' conference: America's Army--strategic leverage in the 21st century (pp. II-C-1 to II-C-3). Washington, D.C.: Department of the Army.
Morrison, J. L. (1992). Environmental scanning. In M. A. Whitely, J. D. Porter, and R. H. Fenske (Eds.), A primer for new institutional researchers (pp. 86-99). Tallahassee, Florida: The Association for Institutional Research. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/courses/papers/enviroscan/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5etMhiJiX.
Morrison, J. L. & Wilson, I. (1996). The strategic management response to the challenge of global change. In Didsbury, Howard (Ed.). Future vision, ideas, insights and strategies. Bethesda, MD: The World Future Society. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/courses/papers/Scenario_wksp.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ewQLdjjG.
Morrison, J. L. (1996). Scanning. In Molitor, Graham and George Kurian (Eds.) Encyclopedia of the future (pp. 814-816). New York: Macmillan. Available at: http://horizon.unc.edu/bios/Morrison/papers/6.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ewRy4gUZ.
Morrison, J. L. & Wilson, I. (1997). Analyzing environments and developing scenarios for uncertain times. In Peterson, Marvin, David Dill, and Lisa Mets (Eds.), Planning and management for a changing environment: A handbook on redesigning postsecondary education (204-229). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/courses/papers/ JBChapter.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ewQhEdyo.
Morrison, J. L., Sargison, A., & Francis, D. (1997). Using the futures program as a tool for transformation: A case study of Lincoln University, New Zealand. In Donald M. Norris and James L. Morrison, Mobilizing for transformation: How campuses are preparing for the knowledge age. New Directions in Institutional Research Number 94 (19-30). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/courses/papers/transforming.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ewYzEx5Y.
Norris, D. M. & Morrison, J. L. (1997). Vignettes of leveraging forces of transformation. In Donald M. Norris and James L. Morrison, Mobilizing for transformation: How campuses are preparing for the knowledge age. New Directions in Institutional Research Number 94 (97-100). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Norris, D. M. & Morrison, J. L. (1997). What have we learned from the case studies? In Donald M. Norris and James L. Morrison, Mobilizing for transformation: How campuses are preparing for the knowledge age. New Directions in Institutional Research. Number 94 (101-111). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Morrison, J. L. (1997). The social context of educational leadership. In James L. Morrison (Ed.), Technology tools for today's campuses [CD-ROM]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/monograph/CD/Professional_Schools/Morrison.asp
Morrison, J. L. (2005). Experiencing the online revolution. In Online learning: Personal reflections on the transformation of education. ed. G. Kearsley, 248-261. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/courses/papers/Experiencing.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ewZSj7Dp.
Morrison, J. L. Hodgkins, B. J. (1970). Public and Catholic secondary schools: A comparative analysis of effectiveness. AERA annual meeting abstracts of papers and symposia, pp. 126-127.
Morrison, J. L. (1972). The relationship of role orientation, socialization experience, and acceptance of the comprehensive community junior college concept: A multivariate analysis. AERA annual meeting abstracts of papers and symposia, p. 104.
Morrison, J. L. and Ferrante, R. (1973). The public two-year college and the culturally different, AERA annual meeting abstracts of papers and symposia, p. 3. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED073765.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qsauCvAo.
Morrison, J. L. & Ferrante, R. (1974). Compensatory education in two year colleges. College student personnel abstracts, 9, 390.
Alfred, R. & Morrison, J. L. (1974). The relationship of college, place of residence, pattern of reference group identification and college environmental perception. AERA annual meeting abstracts of papers and symposia, pp. 62-63.
South, J. D., Hill, M. & Morrison, J. L. (1975). The relationship of teacher role orientation and perceived teaching effectiveness. AERA annual meeting abstracts of papers and symposia, p. 36.
Lindsay, C. A., Kelly, E. J., & Morrison, J. L. (1975). The use of the content-based group-assessment model for developing programs of continuing higher education. AERA annual meeting abstracts of papers and symposia, p. 50.
Morrison, J. L. (1977). Student evaluation of teaching effectiveness: Implications for institutional research. Proceedings of the fifth annual meeting of the North Carolina association for institutional research, pp. 15-21.
Morrison, J. L. and Harman, J. P. (1977). The 'value-added' effects of two-and four-year lower division curriculums. AERA annual meeting abstracts of papers and symposia, p. 162.
Freedman, C. P. & Morrison, J. L. (1977). Community college faculty socialization experiences, educational orientations, and perceived teaching effectiveness. AERA annual meeting abstracts of papers and symposia, p. 168.
Morrison, J. L. (1978). Teaching effectiveness of black college faculty. AERA annual meeting abstracts of papers and symposia, p. 72.
Morrison, J. L. (1978). A view of postsecondary educational research. AERA annual meeting abstracts of papers and symposia, p. 197.
Morrison, J. L. (1978). Trends for institutional research: faculty. Proceedings of the sixth annual meeting of the North Carolina association for institutional research, p. 1.
Morrison, J. L. (1979). Commentary on North Carolina funding and enrollment trends during the eighties: Implications for institutional research. Proceedings of the seventh annual meeting of the North Carolina association for institutional research, pp. 23-24.
Morrison, J. L. (1980). Role of institutional research in academic program evaluations: Information from and about students. Proceedings of the eighth annual meeting of the North Carolina association for institutional research, pp. 7-8.
Morrison, J. L. (1982). Futures research in educational planning. Proceedings of the tenth annual meeting of the North Carolina association of institutional research, 1-3.
Morrison, J. L.(1988). Youth trends. In J. Ire (Ed.), Proceedings of the 1987 national 4-H staff development and training workshop, youth development education: A societal issue . Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp. 6-20.
Morrison, J. L., Baunach, L., Binzer, C, & Havens, B. (1988). Planning for the future of education in eastern North Carolina: Proceedings of a seminar for the consortium for the advancement of public education. (Available from the NC Consortium for the Advancement of Public Education, Wilmington, NC.)
Morrison, J. L. & Ashley, W. C. (1991, June). New tools, new times: Strategic planning. A Seminar Focusing on Proactive Management Techniques. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED339271.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qpvQJWbK.
Morrison, J. L. (1994). Proceedings of the fourth global change international higher education strategic management seminar: Managing issues on the horizon. (Available from On the Horizon, CB# 3500 Peabody Hall, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599). [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/aim_proceed.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ezW7rG8g.
Morrison, J. L. (1995). Critical trends and events affecting the future of Texas higher education: Proceedings of the 1995 TAIR preconference workshop on environmental scanning. [online]. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED380030.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qoQFfwmY.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, February). Critical trends and events affecting the future of community colleges: Proceedings of a beyond 2000 preconference professional development workshop, Orlando, Florida. [online]. Available:http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED380151.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qoPLZ1jM.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, May). Institutional vulnerability/opportunity audit. Preconference seminar proceedings of the AIR Forum, Boston. [online]. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED386105.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qoOHKRgH.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, July). Critical events affecting the future of community colleges: Proceedings of the 1995 AACC presidents' academy summer experience. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/aacc_proceed.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ezURb6Mm.
Morrison, J. L. & Wilson, I. (1995, August). Proceedings of the fifth global change strategic management seminar: Planning for the future of education. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/conferences/scot_proceedings.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ezUkoKb6.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, November). Shaping the future of St. Cloud Technical College. (Available from the President's Office, St. Cloud Technical College, St. Cloud, MN.). [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/SCTC_proceed.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ezVcTQcJ.
Morrison, J. L. (1996, January). Techniques for planning for the future of McHenry County College: Proceedings of the MCC Mid-Management Team workshop. (Available from the Office of the President, McHenry County College, McHenry County Community College, 8900 U.S. HWY, 14, Crystal Lake, IL 60012-2761). [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/McHenry.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ezVwymSh.
Morrison, J. L. (1995). Critical trends and events affecting the future of Texas higher education: Proceedings of the 1995 TAIR preconference workshop on environmental scanning. (Available from Office of Planning and Institutional Research, Delmar College, Corpus Christi, TX 78404-3897). [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/TAIR.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ezWIw3eB.
Morrison, J. L. (1995). Critical trends and events affecting the future of community colleges: Proceedings of a beyond 2000 preconference professional development workshop. (Available from Continuing Education, Valencia Community College, Orlando, FL 32802-3028). [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/conferences/2000morrison.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ezWo9DSy.
Morrison, J. L. (1995). Critical events affecting the future of Minnesota colleges and universities. Proceedings of a preconference professional development seminar at the 1995 SCUP Joint Great Lakes and Midwest Regional Conference, Minneapolis, MN. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/SCUP.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ezXsiwWh.
Morrison, J. L. (1975). Review of Race mixing in the public schools. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 4(3): 334.
Morrison, J. L. (1978). Review of Educating the disadvantaged. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 7(1): 53-54.
Morrison, J. L. (1979). Review of Busing USA. High School Journal, 64(2): 73-74.
Morrison, J. L. (1981). Review of Policy making and effective leadership: A national study of academic management. Social Forces, 59(3): 863-864.
Morrison, J. L. (1985). Review of Maintaining diversity in higher education. Contemporary Sociology, 14(l), 66-67.
Morrison, J. L. (1998). The growing strength of future studies [Review of Foundations of futures studies: human science for a new era]. Planning for Higher Education, 26(4), 45-47. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/bios/Morrison/futurestudies.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ezY65q4W.
Morrison, J. L. & Hodgkins, B. J. (1970). The effectiveness of Catholic education: A comparative analysis. Sociology of Education, 44 (Winter), 119-131.
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Morrison, J. L. & Anderson, S. (1973). College student cohabitation. College Student Journal, 7(2), 14-19. Reprinted in the Education Digest, (1974, May), 39, 57-59.
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Leslie, L. L. & Morrison, J. L. (1974). Social change and professional education in American society. Intellect (School and Society), 102, 350-360. (An abbreviated version of this paper appeared as Leslie, L. L. & Morrison, J. L. (1974). Education for the professions and the social problems of the day. Pennsylvania State University College of Education Faculty Forum, 3, 1-4,
Morrison, J. L. & Leslie, L. L. (1975). Challenges to education for the professions. Education, 95(4), 386-388. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/bios/morrison/papers/5.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ezZ0NmMR.
Morrison, J. L. & Stoltz, R. (1976 ). The role of oral communication for the culturally different college student, College Student Journal, 10(Spring), 4-7. Available in submission format: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED083650.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qsNDgfqL.
Morrison, J. L.& Goldstein, J. M. (1976). On educational inequality. Intellect (School and Society), 104, 452-454. Reprinted in The Education Digest, 42(1), 31-33.
Hill, M. D. & Morrison, J. L. (1976). The relationship of selected community college faculty attitudes, socialization experiences, and reference group identities. Community/Junior College Research Quarterly, 1(1), 25-50.
Schlechty, P. C. & Morrison, J. L. (Fall 1977). The role of the social scientist in the school of education. Educational Studies, 8, 241-252.
Morrison, J. L. and Hodgkins, B. J. (1978). Social change and Catholic education. Education, 98, 264-279. Abstracted in Human Behavior, 8(1), 66, 1979.
Morrison, J. L. & Friedman, C. P. (1978). Community college faculty attitudes, socialization experiences, and perceived teaching effectiveness. Community/Junior College Research Quarterly, 2(2), 119-138. Available in submission format: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED129390.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qsLwjHSo.
Morrison, J. L. (1978). Selected faculty characteristics and student assessment of teaching effectiveness at a predominantly black college. University of North Carolina Newsletter, 68(1), 13-15.
Morrison, J. L. (1978). The national longitudinal study (NLS) of the high school class of 1972 data base: Implications for use in doctoral training programs in higher education. Higher Education Review, 1(3), 33-39.
Morrison, J. L. (1978). Research funding in postsecondary education. Review of Higher Education, 2(1), 1-2.
South, J. D., Hill, M. D., & Morrison, J. L. (1979). Faculty role orientation and perceived teaching effectiveness: The case of an intervening variable. Research in Higher Education, 11(2), 99-110.
Munger, F. J. & Morrison, J. L. (1981). Designing a regional data base for futures research in educational policy making. University of North Carolina Newsletter, 66(1),14-15.
Renfro, W. L., & Morrison, J. L. (1982). Merging two futures concepts: Application to educational policy. The Futurist, 16(5), 54-56.
Teddlie, C., Hackett, E. R., & Morrison, J. L. (1982). Developing public educational policy through policy-impact analysis. World Future Society Bulletin, 16(6), 25-30. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/bios/morrison/papers/2.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ezZETrpe.
Renfro, W. L., & Morrison, J. L. (1983). Anticipating and managing change in educational organizations. Educational Leadership, 41(1), 50-54. Reprinted (1984) in Education Digest, 69(6), 40-42. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/bios/morrison/papers/11.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ezZx0DDo.
Renfro, W. L., & Morrison, J. L. (1984). Scanning the media helps you anticipate changes. Association Management, 36(1), 137-141.
Renfro, W. L., & Morrison, J. L. (1984). Detecting signals of change: The environmental scanning process. The Futurist, 18(4), 49-53.
Morrison, J. L., & Cope, R. G. (1985). Using futures research techniques in strategic planning: A simulation. Planning for Higher Education, 13(2), 5-9. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/bios/morrison/papers/12.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ezb44isf.
Dill, D. D., & Morrison, J. L. (1985). EdD and PhD research training in the field of higher education: A survey and a proposal. The Review of Higher Education, 8(2), 169-l86.
Morrison, J. L. (1986). Report of the SCUP environmental scanning network. News from SCUP, 16(3), 8-10.
Morrison, J. L. (1986). Research/evaluation. Prepared as part of the ASHE-ERIC Clearinghouse for Course Syllabi in Higher Education Project. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED272131.pdf.
Morrison, J. L. (1987). Establishing an environmental scanning capability to augment college and university planning. Planning for Higher Education, 15(1), 7-22. Available at: http://horizon.unc.edu/bios/morrison/papers/4.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ezbOblk2.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, September). Computer conferencing. The Pen, pp. 4-6.
Simpson, E. G. Jr., McGinty, D. L., & Morrison, J. L. (1987, Autumn). The University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education environmental scanning project. Continuing Higher Education Review, 1-20. Available at: http://horizon.unc.edu/bios/morrison/papers/8.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ezbeIbfz.
Morrison, J. L. & Mecca, T. V. (1988). Managing uncertainty: Environmental analysis/forecasting in academic planning. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED301090.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qqlx0aMw.
Mecca, T. V., & Morrison, J. L. (1988). Pathways to the future: Linking environmental scanning to strategic management. Community College Review, 15, 35-44. Available at: http://horizon.unc.edu/bios/Morrison/papers/9.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fNiDiNKd.
Morrison, J. L., & Held, W. (1989). Developing environmental scanning/forecasting systems to augment community college planning. Journal of the Virginia Community College Association, 4(2), 12-20. Available online: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED305121.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qqlYj259.
Morrison, J. L. (1989). Developing an environmental scanning/forecasting system to augment college planning: Implications from a seminar. Journal of the Virginia Community College Association, 4(2), 34-42.
Morrison, J. L., & Binzer, C. (1989). Report of the SCUP-23 environmental scanning network. News from SCUP, 19(3), 4.
Ptasynski, J. G., & Morrison, J. L. (1989-1990). Applying the ED QUEST planning model in a school of management: A case study. Planning for Higher Education, 18, 65-77. Available at: http://horizon.unc.edu/bios/morrison/papers/7.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fNinGboh.
Morrison, J. L. (1990). SCUP 24 environmental scanning network report. News from SCUP, 20(2), 6-7.
Whiteley, M. A., Porter, J. D., Morrison, J. L., & Moore, N. (1990). Developing scenarios: Linking environmental scanning and strategic planning. Planning for Higher Education , 18(4), 47-60. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/bios/morrison/papers/13.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fNj18VK9.
Morrison, J. L. (1990). Global change: Implications for the future of higher education. Society for Research into Higher Education International Newsletter, 13(1), 1-28.
Morrison, J. L. and Raney, D. L. (1990). The national guard's future: Planning for all contingencies. National Guard, 44(5), 34-37.
Morrison, J. L. (1990, July). Developing an environmental scanning system. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for College and University planning, Atlanta, GA. Available at http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED323865.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qpwIzptA.
Morrison, J. L. (1991). Anticipating the future of higher education. ASHE Newsletter, 3(4), 3-4.
Morrison, J. L. (1991). Anticipating the future of higher education: Proceedings of a general session. ASHE Newsletter, 4(2), 5-9.
Morrison, J. L. and Brock, D. (1991). Organizational planning and policy analysis: Combining theory with experiential learning. Innovative Higher Education. 15(2), 137-151. See http://tinyurl.com/3gllzw7 and http://www.uga.edu/ihe/ihe-abstracts.html#vol15-no2
Morrison, J. L. & Keller, G. (1992-93, Winter). Newest tool: The institutional vulnerability audit. Planning for Higher Education , 21, 27-34. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/courses/papers/AUDIT.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fNjHlzro.
Morrison, J. L. (1992, Summer). United Way Strategic Institute Publishes What lies ahead: A decade of decision. On the Horizon, Preview Issue. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/prev_default.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fNkFTFX4.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) Turning swords into plowshares. On the Horizon, 1(1), 3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-1_econ1.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fNkUqqHO.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) Government controls at local levels. On the Horizon, 1(1), 3-4. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-3_poli2.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fNkjaKCK.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) The cultural mosaic. On the Horizon, 1(1), 4-5. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-1_soc1.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fNkxXW7A.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) The environment and national security. On the Horizon, 1(1), 7. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-1_environ.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fNlDPRvX.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) Productivity. On the Horizon, 1(1), 7. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-2_econ1.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fNlOOqRX.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) Military Conversion. On the Horizon, 1(1), 7-8. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-2_econ2.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fPPAugir.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) Increased concern for the environment. On the Horizon, 1(1), 8. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-2_environ.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fPPtDqY2.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) Political: U. S. the sole world power? On the Horizon, 1(1), 8-9.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) Congress questions foreign aid (The new isolationism?). On the Horizon, 1(1), 9. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-2_poli2.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fg15kC1Y.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) Congressional tenure limited to two consecutive terms? On the Horizon, 1(1), 9. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-1_poli3.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fg24D1i6.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) Government subsides to civilian commercial R&D decline. On the Horizon, 1(1), 9-12. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-1_poli4.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fnXwDHcd.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) Growth of information and communications. On the Horizon, 1(1), 10. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-1_tech1.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fg2FyizZ.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) Availability of information. On the Horizon, 1(1), 10-11. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-1_tech2.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fg3tOFfu.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) Electronic breakthrough allows home based workforce. On the Horizon, 1(1), 11-12. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-1_tech3.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fg4c6GFf.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) Teenage pregnancies. On the Horizon, 1(2), 2. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-2_soc1.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fg6day9X.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) A new demographic ballgame. On the Horizon, 1(2), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-2_soc2.html abd archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fnYLACqu.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) The life-style odyssey. On the Horizon, 1(2), 3-4. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-2_soc3.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fnYVYnqL.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) Computer integrated manufacturing. On the Horizon, 1(2), 5. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-2_tech1.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fnYmr3HG.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) Alternative energy sources. On the Horizon, 1(2), 5-6. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-2_tech2.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fnZ1zr2c.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) Delphi forecast of information technology. On the Horizon, 1(2), 6. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-2_tech3.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fnZDbXLu.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) Development of regional trading blocs. On the Horizon, 1(2), 9. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-2_poli1.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fnZttkW1.
Morrison, J. L. (1993) Academic research in the new economy. On the Horizon, 1(3), 6-7. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-3_soc2.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fnaCYDPm.
Morrison, J. L. (1993) Childless families outnumber families with children. On the Horizon, 1(3), 7. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-3_soc3.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fnaKxR1C.
Morrison, J. L. (1993) FCC allows TV transmission through telephone lines. On the Horizon, 1(3), 8-9. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-3_tech2.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fnaSX9ez.
Morrison, J. L. (1993) Higher education finance in the 1990s: Hard choices for community colleges. On the Horizon, 1(3), 9. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-3_econ.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fnac6aMB.
Morrison, J. L. (1992) Global change in governance and sovereignty. On the Horizon, 1(3), 10-12. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-3_poli1.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fnam7tiD.
Morrison, J. L. (1993) Government looks to non-profits . On the Horizon, 1(3), 12. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-3_poli2.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fnb1xrx9.
Morrison, J. L. (1993) Congressional oversight. On the Horizon, 1(4), 11-12. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-4_poli.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fnbA5zqh.
Morrison, J. L. (1993) The contagious hospital. On the Horizon, 1(4), 11. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-4_environ2.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fnbMvopM/
Morrison, J. L. (1993) Distance education. On the Horizon, 1(4), 5-6. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-4_soc2.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5fnbxNHz1.
Morrison, J. L. (1993) Global diplomacy. On the Horizon, 1(4), 10-11. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-4_environ1.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5g1Hviia4.
Morrison, J. L. (1993). From the editor. On the Horizon, 1(5), 3-4. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-5_editor.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5g1Jnrd1T.
Morrison, J. L. (1993) Prevention: A world health strategy. On the Horizon, 1(5), 5-6. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-5_soc.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5g1Jw9f5e.
Morrison, J. L. (1993). Environmental scanning. On the Horizon, 2(1), 3-4. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/2-1.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5g1K9DP8g.
Morrison, J. L. (1993) Role of information technology in an environment of constraint. On the Horizon, 1(3), 8. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-3_tech1.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5gGC4JwCI.
Morrison, J. L. (1993) U of California accepts racially delimited scholarship bequest. On the Horizon, 1(3), 6. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-3_soc1.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5gGCZyKvy.
Morrison, J. L. (1993). Welcome to volume 1, number 1!. On the Horizon, 1(1), 3-4. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-1_editor.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5gGCliD5X.
Morrison, J. L. (1993). The Institute for Professional and Academic Leadership. On the Horizon, 1(2), 3-4. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-2_editor.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5gGD60z7E.
Morrison, J. L. (1994). Trend analysis and commentary. On the Horizon, 1(3), 3-4. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-3_editor.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5gGDLeA1l.
Morrison, J. L. (1994). Experimenting with the OTH format. On the Horizon, 1(4), 3-4. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/1-4_editor.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5hjnagxmv
Morrison, J. L. (1994). Using OTH in institutional planning. On the Horizon, 2(2), 3-4. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/2-2.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5gGDgRamz.
Morrison, J. L. (1994). From strategic planning to strategic thinking. On the Horizon, 2(3), 3-4. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/2-3.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5gGDubX00.
Morrison, J. L. (1994). Viewing education as one system. On the Horizon, 2(4), 3-4. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/2-4.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5gGEEFDsz.
Morrison, J. L. (1994). OTH's mission. On the Horizon, 2(5), 3-4. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/2-5.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5gGEUzPY8.
Morrison, J. L. (1994). External analysis: The first component of strategic planning. NJASA Perspective, 11 (3), 16-21.
Morrison, J. L. (1994). Responses to "a reinvented model for higher education" from the 'list. On the Horizon, 3(1), 3-4. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/3-1.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5gGEhzNke.
Morrison, J. L. (1994). On the Horizon's world wide web site. On the Horizon, 3(2), 3-4. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/3-2.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5gGEzOaDr.
Morrison, J. L. (1995). Bionomics: A new way of thinking about organizations. On the Horizon, 3(3), 3-4. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/3-3.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5gGO791Rf.
Morrison, J. L. (1995). On the Horizon, Horizon list, Horizon home page: A forerunner of education in the 21st century. On the Horizon, 3(4), 3-4. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/3-4.hmtl and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5gRFVgF3c.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, February/March). The role of external analysis in strategic planning. TAIR Newsletter, 94-95, 3, 5.
Morrison, J. L. (1995). Issues challenging education. On the Horizon, 3(5), 3-5. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/3-5.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5hl7R5Yk8.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, December - 1996, January). The future of secondary education. The High School Journal, 79(2), 73-75. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/HSJ/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5hl7maSB2.
Morrison, J. L. (1996). Under new colors. On the Horizon, 4(1), 3-5. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/4-1.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5i87aPb7S.
Morrison, J. L. (1996). The Horizon review process. On the Horizon, 4(2), 3-5. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/4-2.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5i87muPkO.
Morrison, J. L. (1996). Critical events affecting the future of Virginia community colleges. Virginia Community College Journal, 10 (2), 36-43. Available online: http://www.br.cc.va.us/vcca/cmorris.html
Ashley, W.L. & Morrison, J. L. (1996). Anticipatory management tools for the 21st century. The Futures Research Quarterly, 12 (2), 35-49. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/courses/papers/AntiMgt/AntiMgt.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5i87yjjvA.
Morrison, J.L. (1996). Anticipating the future. On the Horizon, 4(3), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/4-3.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5i889LSE9.
Morrison, J.L. (1996). Events that shape our future. On the Horizon, 4(4), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/4-4.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5i88LajNP.
Morrison, J.L. (1996). Teaching in the 21st century. On the Horizon, 4(5), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/4-5.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5i9O7OmQg.
Morrison, J. L. (1996). Microsoft joins Jossey Bass in sponsoring Horizon Home Page. On the Horizon, 4 (6), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/4-6.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5i9OTZhmx.
Morrison, J. L. (1997). Transforming educational organizations. On the Horizon, 5(1), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/5-1.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5i9OkD9Jz.
Morrison, J. L. (1997). Academic cybermalls. On the Horizon, 5(2), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/5-2.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5i9OyfFgO.
Morrison, J. L. (1997). Looking back from 2005. On the Horizon, 5(3), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/5-3.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5i9PCGMUN.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, May). Using technology productivity tools in teaching: One professor's odyssey. The Technology Source. Available online: http://www.technologysource.org/article/using_technology_productivity_tools_in_teaching__one_professors_odyssey/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5i9PX5SzP.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, July). Using technology productivity tools in teaching: One professor's odyssey, part II. The Technology Source. Available online: http://www.technologysource.org/article/using_technology_productivity_tools_in_teaching__one_professors_odyssey_part_ii/ and arhcived at http://www.webcitation.org/5i9Pkuy3L.
Ashley, W. L. & Morrison, J. L. (1997). Anticipatory management: Tools for better decision making. The Futurist, 31(5), 47-50. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/courses/papers/AnticipatoryManagement.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5i9Pyb0rd.
Morrison, J. L. (1997). Using On the Horizon in organizational planning. On the Horizon, 5(4), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/5-4.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5iReyxVxM.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, September). Western Governors University. The Technology Source. Available online:
http://www.technologysource.org/article/western_governors_university/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5iRfVzdNQ.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, December) Using multimedia learning courseware to supplement instruction. The Technology Source. Available online: http://technologysource.org/article/using_multimedia_learning_courseware_to_supplement_instruction/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5iRfriR3AQ.
Morrison, J. L. & Twigg, C. (1997, December) Higher education and information technology: An interview with Carol Twigg. The Technology Source. Available online: http://www.technologysource.org/article/higher_education_and_information_technology/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5iRg60Vmk.
Morrison, J. L & Hooker, M. (1997). Education in the 21st century: An interview with Michael Hooker. On the Horizon, 5(5), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/5-5.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5iRgUEslF.
Morrison, J. L. (1997). Enhancing On the Horizon. On the Horizon, 5(6), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/5-6.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5iRgaISux.
Morrison, J. L. & Graves, W. (1998, January). Technology and higher education: An interview with William Graves. The Technology Source. Available online: http://www.technologysource.org/article/technology_and_higher_education/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5iRgkWPep.
Morrison, J. L. (1998). Technology and education: An interview with William H. Graves. On the Horizon, 6(1), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/horizon/online/html/6/1/editor.asp
Morrison, J. L. & Harrison, J. (1998, March) A perspective on technology in higher education: An interview with John Harrison. The Technology Source. Available online: http://www.technologysource.org/article/perspective_on_technology_in_higher_education/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5iRgkWPep.
Morrison, J. L. & Feldman, L. (1998, March) Using NetMeeting to enhance online publishing. The Technology Source. Available online: http://www.technologysource.org/article/using_netmeeting_to_enhance_online_publishing/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5iRhJ9aj0.
Morrison, J. L. (1998). The future of On the Horizon. On the Horizon, 6(2), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/6-2.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5iRhd9UsD.
Morrison, J. L. (1998, April). A learning college for the 21st century: An interview with Dr. Terry O'Banion. Available online: http://www.technologysource.org/article/learning_college_for_the_21st_century/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5iRhj30Jd.
Morrison, J. L. & Spohrer, J. (1998, May). The educational object economy project: An interview with James Spohrer. The Technology Source. Available online: http://www.technologysource.org/article/educational_object_economy_project/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5iayTJlyg.
Morrison, J. L. (1998). Technology and change: An interview with Diana Oblinger. On the Horizon, 6(3), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/6-3.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5iaz3a1ia.
Morrison, J. L. (1998). The Western Governors University: An interview with Jeff Livingston. On the Horizon, 6(4), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/6-4.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5iaz9qb1K.
Morrison, J. L. (1998, June). The nominal group process as an instructional tool. The Technology Source. Available online at:
http://www.technologysource.org/article/nominal_group_process_as_an_instructional_tool/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5iazJduPC.
Morrison, J. L. (1998). The role of technology in education today and tomorrow: An interview with Kenneth Green. On the Horizon, 6(5), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/6-5.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5iaz3a1ia.
Morrison, J. L. (1998, October). A view from the top: An interview with UNC president Molly Broad. The Technology Source. Available at: http://www.technologysource.org/article/view_from_the_top/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5iazddAGw.
Morrison, J.L. (1998, November). Welcome to the 1998-1999 editorial board! The Technology Source. Available online: http://www.technologysource.org/article/welcome_to_the_199899_editorial_board/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5iazv8X31.
Morrison, J. L. (1998). The horizon from a system president's perspective: An interview with UNC's Molly Broad. On the Horizon, 6(6), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/6-6.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib07E0c5.
Morrison, J. L. (1999). The role of technology in education today and tomorrow: An interview with Kenneth Green, part II. On the Horizon, 7(1), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/7-1.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib0IbFAQ.
Morrison, J.L. & Johnstone, S. M. (1999, March). Information technology tools and the future: An interview with Sally M. Johnstone. The Technology Source. Available online: http://www.technologysource.org/article/information_technology_tools_and_the_future/
Morrison, J.L. (1999, April). Tom Creed. The Technology Source. Available online: http://www.technologysource.org/article/tom_creed/
Morrison, J. L. & Staunch, G. (1999, May/June). Information technology tools and the future of teaching and learning: An interview with Gary Staunch. The Technology Source. Available online: http://www.technologysource.org/article/information_technology_tools_and_the_future_of_teaching_and_learning/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib0RO1nt.
Morrison, J. L. (1999). Transforming the role of students and teachers in the information age. On the Horizon, 7(2), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/7-2.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib0g98Jt.
Morrison, J. L. (1999). Telecommunications and the future: An interview with Sally M. Johnstone. On the Horizon, 7(3), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/7-3.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib0nd4eb.
Morrison, J. L. (1999). Electronic networking in the future: An interview with Judith V. Boettcher. On the Horizon, 7(4), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/7-4.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib0uOXB8.
Morrison, J. L. (1999). Electronic networking in the future: An interview with Judith V. Boettcher, part II. On the Horizon, 7(5), 2-3. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/7-5.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib122N38.
Morrison, J. L. & Boettcher, J. (1999, September-October). Reevaluating the basics: An interview with Judith V. Boettcher about the future of education. The Technology Source. Available online: http://www.technologysource.org/article/reevaluating_the_basics/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib1C7AW8.
Morrison, J. L. & Everhart, R. (1999, November-December). Higher education in 2010: An interview with Rodney Everhart. The Technology Source. Available online: http://www.technologysource.org/article/higher_education_in_2010/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib1Q2mp7/. Reprinted in Mealy, L. & B. Loller (Eds.), E-LEARNING: Expanding the training classroom through technology (pp.221-226). Austin, TX: Duncan.
Morrison, J. L. (2000). Transitions. On the Horizon, 8(2), 10. Available online: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/OTH/8-2.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib1WYSoE.
Morrison, J. L. & Priest, G. (2000, May-June). e-Learning and educational transformation: An interview with Greg Priest. The Technology Source. Available online: http://www.technologysource.org/article/elearning_and_educational_transformation/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib1gkEsT. Reprinted in Mealy, L. & B. Loller (Eds.), E-LEARNING: Expanding the training classroom through technology (pp.145-148). Austin, TX: Duncan.
Morrison, J. L. & Meister, J. (2000, July-August). Corporate universities: An interview with Jeanne Meister. The Technology Source. Available online: http://www.technologysource.org/article/corporate_universities/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib1tFMgu. Reprinted in Mealy, L. & B. Loller (Eds.), E-LEARNING: Expanding the training classroom through technology (pp.141-144). Austin, TX: Duncan.
Morrison, J. L. & Tait, F. (2000, November/December). Globalizing the knowledge economy: An interview with SCT's Frank Tait. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/globalizing_the_knowledge_economy/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib21khJy.
Morrison, J. L. & Shrivastava, P. (2001, March/April). online communities as a new learning paradigm: An interview with Paul Shrivastava. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/online_communities_as_a_new_learning_paradigm/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib2Qc8UB.
Morrison, J. L. (2001, March/April). Barbara Horgan. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/barbara_horgan/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib2aWLmv.
Morrison, J. L. & Twigg, C. (2001, May/June). The Pew learning and technology program initiative in using technology to enhance education: An interview with Carol Twigg. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/pew_learning_and_technology_program_initiative_in_using_technology_to_enhance_education/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib2jkcpQ.
Morrison, J. L. & Mendenhall, R. W. (2001, May/June). Renaissance at Western Governors University: An interview with Robert W. Mendenhall. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/renaissance_at_western_governors_university/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib2rjuzb.
Morrison, J. L. & Meister, J. (2001, July/August). e-Learning in the corporate university: An interview with Jeanne Meister. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/elearning_in_the_corporate_university/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib345ZWZ.
Morrison, J. L. & Spencer, D. (2001, September/October). What impact are virtual universities having on higher education? An interview with Michigan Virtual University's David Spencer. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/elearning_in_the_corporate_university/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib345ZWZ.
Morrison, J. L. & Kirschner, A. (2001, November/December). New times, new rules: An interview with Fathom's Ann Kirschner. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/elearning_in_the_corporate_university/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib345ZWZ.
Morrison, J. L. & Cox, Geoff. (2002, January/February). New times, new rules, new playing fields. An interview with UNext's Geoff Cox. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/new_times_new_rules_new_playing_fields/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib3NxORZ.
Morrison, J. L. (2002, January/February). Announcing the Technology Source author forums. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/announcing_the_technology_source_author_forums/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib3cXd7g.
Morrison, J. L. & Oblinger, D. (2002, March/April). Information technology and the future of education: An interview with Diana Oblinger. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/information_technology_and_the_future_of_education/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib3m45PP.
Morrison, J. L. & Graves, W. H. (2002, May/June). Higher education and today's learning economy: An interview with CollegisEduprise's William H. Graves. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/higher_education_and_todays_learning_economy/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ib3yRXTK.
Morrison, J. L. & Brown, D. G. (2002, July/August). Faculty development that works: An Interview with David G. Brown. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/faculty_development_that_works/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5icY4AdRJ.
Morrison, J. L. & Berger, C. (2002, September/October). The next killer apt in education: An interview with Michigan's Carl Berger. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/next_killer_app_in_education/
Morrison, J. L. & Suber, P. (2002, September/October). The free online scholarship movement: An interview with Peter Suber. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/free_online_scholarship_movement/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5icYKDoix.
Morrison. J. L. (2002, October). The Technology Source and distance learning. Missouri Distance Learning Association Newsletter.
Morrison, J. L. & Suber, P. (2002, September/October). The free online scholarship movement: An interview with Peter Suber. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/free_online_scholarship_movement/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5icYhccJQ.
Morrison, J. L. & Warren, M. D. (2002, November/December). Embracing the information age in public education: An interview with Michael Warren. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/embracing_the_information_age_in_public_education/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5icYtSulq.
Morrison, J. L. & Green, K. C. (2002, November/December). The campus computing project: An interview with Kenneth C. Green. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/campus_computing_project/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5icZB6LmW.
Morrison, J. L. & Rossman, P. (2003, January/February). The future of higher education: An interview with Parker Rossman. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/future_of_higher_education/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5icZLlf7r.
Morrison, J. L. & Newman, F. (2003, January/February). The technology revolution: An interview with Frank Newman. The Technology Source.Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/technology_revolution/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5icZXhoVP.
Morrison, J. L. & Barone, C. (2003, March/April). The national learning infrastructure initiative (NLII): An interview with EDUCAUSE's Carole Barone. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/national_learning_infrastructure_initiative_(nlii)/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5icZi8wsG.
Morrison, J. L. & Khan, B. H. (2003, May/June). The global e-learning framework: An interview with Badrul Khan. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/global_elearning_framework/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ie1gdNRb.
Mack, T. (2003, Spring). An interview with a futurist. Futures Research Quarterly, 19(1), 61-69. Available online at http://horizon.unc.edu/conferences/dead_files/interview.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ie1tCHUe.
Morrison, J. L. (2003). US higher education in transition. On the Horizon, 11(1), 6-10. Available online at http://horizon.unc.edu/courses/papers/InTransition.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ie21mASP.
Morrison, J. L. & Adrich, C. (2003, September/October). Simulations and the learning revolution: An interview with Clark Aldrich. The Technology Source. Available online at http://www.technologysource.org/article/simulations_and_the_learning_revolution/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ie2Clo97.
Morrison, J. L. & Dede, C. (2004, October/November). The future of learning technologies: An interview with Chris Dede. Innovate 1(1). Available online at http://innovateonline.info and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/60CyR00H0.
Morrison, J. L., and Graves, W. (2004, December/January). Strategies for using information technology to improve institutional performance: An interview with William H. Graves. Innovate 1(2). Available online at http://www.innovateonline.info and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/60Kwvqgj3
Morrison, J. L., and Peters, T. (2005, February/March). The future of the digital library: An interview with Tom Peters. Innovate 1(3). Available online at http://www.innovateonline.info and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/60KxgE0ts.
Morrison, J. L. (2005, nd). What will higher education look like in 2020? Anne Arundel Community College's Ask About the Future. Available online at http://www.aacc.edu/future/askfuturemorriso.cfm and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ie30Wfxk.
Morrison, J. L. and Bowen, D. F. (December 2005/January 2006). Taking a journey with today's digital kids: An interview with Deneed Frazier Bowen. Innovate 2(2). Availabile online at http://www.innovateonline.info and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/60KxsJbtV.
Morrison, J. L. and Osborn, H. (December 2005/January 2006). Implementing organic education: An interview with Hugh Osborn. Innovate 2(2). Availabile online at http://www.innovateonline.info and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/60Kygghxw.
Morrison, J. L, Barker, J., and Erickson, S. (April/May 2006). A new way of thinking about technology: An interview with futurists Joel Barker and Scott Erickson. Innovate 2(4). Availabile online at http://www.innovateonline.info and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/60KyqY96B.
Morrison, J. L. and Macquart, D. (April/May 2006). World’s youth connect through Global Nomads Group:
An interview with GNG's David Macquart. Innovate 2(4). Availabile online at http://www.innovateonline.info and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/60Kz2OZH3.
Morrison, J. L. and Howell, S. (February/March 2007). Teaching one way and testing another: An interview with Scott Howell. Innovate 3(3). Available online athttp://www.innovateonline.info and archived athttp://www.webcitation.org/60KzexiMd
Morrison, J. L., and Owens, T. (December 2007/January 2008). Next-generation bibliographic manager: An interview with Trevor Owens. Innovate 4(2). Available online at http://www.innovateonline.info and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/60L0bzI2q.
Morrison, J. L., and Kumar, V. (October/November 2008). Recasting distance learning with network-enabled open education: An interview with Vijay Kumar Innovate 5(1). Available online at http://www.innovateonline.info and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/60L0lC4r5.
Morrison, J. L., and Salcito, A. (December 2008/January 2009). Microsoft's support for transformation in education: An interview with Anthony Salcito Innovate 5(2). Available online at http://www.innovateonline.infoand archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ie4iVih2. Reprinted at http://www.microsoft.com/education/highered/whitepapers/transform/TransformingEducation.aspx
Morrison, J. L., and P. Long. (April/May 2009). The iCampus technology-enabled active learning project at MIT: An Interview with Phillip Long. Innovate 5(4). Available online at http://www.innovateonline.info and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/60KsOprSv.
Morrison, J. L., and R. Young. (June/July 2009). Success and sustainability in higher education: An Interview with Ralph Young. Innovate 5(5). Available at http://www.innovateonline.info and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5jFbwl26k.
Morrison, J. L., and P. Long. (July 2011). Technology enhanced learning at MIT. Higher Education Teaching and Learning Portal. Available online at http://hetl.org/2011/07/12/tealmit/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/60Cxo99BX.
Morrison, J. L. & Ferrante, R. (1973). Why the disadvantaged drop out: The administrators' view. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED071665.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qsbLW9TJ.
Morrison, J. L. & Neal, E. M. The two-year college course at UNC-Chapel Hill: An experiment in preparing future leaders. (1985). Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED273328.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qrTNLnOd.
Participation in Blog Discussions
Morrison, J. L. (July 2008). Addressing the problem of faculty resistance to using IT tools in active learning instructional strategies.
Morrison, J. L. (April 2009). Facilitating the adoption of technology-enhanced active learning strategies in Middle Eastern colleges and universities.
Morrison, J. L. (December 2009). Facilitating the adoption of technology-enhanced active learning strategies in Asian colleges and universities.
Morrison, J. L. (May 2010). The future of higher education in the Western world.
Participation in Conferences and Workshops
Harmon, J. P. & Morrison, J. L. (1977, April). The "value-added" effects of two- and four-year lower division curriculum programs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED136692.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qsLHBGFe.
Morrison, J. L. (1978, March). Perceived teaching effectiveness of black college faculty. Paper presented at the 1978 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED155982.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qsKtXADJ.
Morrison, J. L. (1981, May). Policy-impact analysis: A rational method to respond to the challenges faced by higher education in the eighties. Paper presented to the Florida State University Institute for Studies in Higher Education Distinguished Professor Series. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED201292.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qsboQ1jv.
Morrison, J. L. (1984, March). Trends and strategies in planning and support. Discussant, paper session at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Chicago.
Morrison, J. L. (1984, March). Using futures research methods to improve strategic planning in higher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Higher Education, Chicago.
Morrison, J. L. (1984, April). A futures approach to strategic institutional planning. Paper presented at the spring meeting of the North Carolina Association for Institutional Research, Burlington.
Morrison, J. L. & Renfro, W. L. (1984, April). Futures research and the strategic planning process: Implications for long-range planning in higher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED245587.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qrU0ByOZ.
Morrison, J. L. (1984, April). Research on organizational dynamics in community colleges: Mission formulation, planning, effectiveness, and impact on students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans.
Morrison, J. L. (1984, May). The application of futures research techniques in strategic planning. Professional development preconference workshop at the annual meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Fort Worth.
Morrison, J. L. (1984, June). Environmental scanning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the World Future Society, Washington, D. C.
Morrison, J. L. (1984). Using futures research techniques in strategic planning. Professional development preconference workshop at the annual meeting of the Society of College and University Planning, Boston.
Morrison, J. L. (1984, October). Application of futures research techniques in strategic planning. Professional development preconference workshop at the Second National Conference on Desegregation in Postsecondary Education, Durham, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1984, October). Outlook for publishing in higher education. Paper presented at the Joint AERA-J and ASHE Conference in Shaping the Future of Higher Education, San Francisco.
Morrison, J. L. (1985, March). Issues in higher education policy. Chair/discussant of the session at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Chicago.
Morrison, J. L. (1985, March-April). Use of the policy impact analysis model to make policy recommendations for the professional development of U.S. Army officers out to the year 2025. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Morrison, J. L. (1985, April-May). The use of futures research techniques to build a decision support system for higher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Portland.
Morrison, J. L. and Boucher, W. I. (1985, April-May) Practical approaches to policy analysis using futures research techniques. Professional development preconference workshop at the annual meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Portland.
Morrison, J. L. (1985, July). Using futures research techniques in college and university planning. Professional development workshop at the annual meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, Chicago.
Morrison, J. L. (1985, July). Practical approaches to contextual planning using futures research techniques. Professional development workshop at the annual meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, Chicago.
Morrison, J. L. (1985, October-November). Futures research and the strategic planning process.," Professional development workshop at the joint meeting of the Society for College and University Planning and the Southern Association for Institutional Research, Virginia Beach, VA.
Morrison, J. L. (1986, January). Developing the strategic planning process at a research university. Professional development workshop at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa.
Morrison, J. L. (1986, February). Planning the future of higher education graduate training programs. General session workshop at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Antonio, TX.
Morrison, J. L. (1986, February). What helps, what hinders, effective evaluation of academic programs. Panel member of session held at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Antonio, TX.
Morrison, J. L. (1986, February). Campus trends: What do we know? What do we need to know?" Panel presentation of a session held at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, San Antonio, TX.
Morrison, J. L. (1986, February). Establishing the strategic planning process. General session workshop at the Joint Meeting of Administrators of Home Economics and the National Council of Administrators of Home Economics, Memphis, TN.
Morrison, J. L. (1986, February). Establishing the strategic planning process. Professional development workshop for the South Carolina State Board of Technical and Comprehensive Education, Columbia, SC.
Morrison, J. L. (1986, February). Forum on environmental scanning. Moderator of session at the annual meeting of the American Association for Higher Education, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (1986, March). Establishing an environmental scanning process at the University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Higher Education, Washington, D.C.
Mecca, T. V. & Morrison, J. L. (1986, April). ED QUEST: A process for linking environmental scanning with strategic management. Preconference professional development workshop at the annual meeting of the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, Orlando, FL. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED270130.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qrSOK7eH.
Morrison, J. L. (1986, April). On studying the future of postsecondary education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Morrison, J. L. (1986, June). A futures approach to policy analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Orlando, FL. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED282486.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qrQtYWXe.
Morrison, J. L. (1986, June). Special interest group on environmental scanning, Co-convener at the annual meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Orlando, FL.
Morrison, J. L. (1986, June). Planning the future of IR offices. Workshop director at the annual meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Orlando, FL.
Morrison, J. L. (1986, June) Linking environmental scanning with strategic management. Directed the preconference professional development workshop at the annual meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, San Diego, CA.
Morrison, J. L. (1986, June) (with Robert G. Cope) Advanced contextual/strategic planning. Directed the preconference professional development workshop at the annual meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, San Diego, CA.
Morrison, J. L. (1986, July). Environmental scanning network. Convener at the annual meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, San Diego, CA.
Morrison, J. L. (1986, July). Estalishing an environmental scanning system to augment college and university planning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, San Diego, CA. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED272097.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qrQUu4iM.
Morrison, J. L. (1986). Environmental scanning activities in higher education as reported at the 1986 annual meetings of AAHE, AIR, and SCUP. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED277317.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qrPsu6MB.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, February). Tri-trends: on studying the Future of the triangle libraries. Directed the preconference professional development workshop at the annual winter workshop, Durham City Library Association, Durham, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, March). On studying the future of your institution. Directed the preconference professional development workshop at the annual meeting of the American Association for Higher Education, Chicago, IL.
Morrison, J. L., McGinty, Donna, and Simpson, Edward. (1987, March). Environmental scanning in a university setting: a progress report.. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Higher Education, March 1-4, Chicago, IL.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, March). AAHE forum on environmental scanning, Organizer and chair of the annual meeting of the American Association for Higher Education, Chicago, IL.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, March and November). The turbulent world of telecommunications. Directed the preconference professional development workshop for the Executive Program in Telecommunications, The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, Durham, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, April). On studying the future of the educational research enterprise. Directed the preconference professional development workshop at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, April). Environmental scanning in educational organizations. Paper presenter at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, April). Institutionalizing environmental scanning in the ED QUEST process. Paper presenter at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED293758.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qrO8MJBT.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, April). Computer conferencing. Paper presenter at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED286488.pdf and archived at http://webcitation.org/archive.php.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, May). ED QUEST--Linking environmental scanning with strategic management. Directed the preconference professional development workshop at the annual meeting of the Association for Institutional Research. Kansas City, KS.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, May). Special interest group on environmental scanning, Organizer and chair at the annual meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Kansas City, KS.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, July). SCUP environmental scanning network, Organizer and chair at the annual meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L., and Mecca, Thomas. (1987, July). ED QUEST--Linking environmental scanning with strategic management. Preconference workshop director and paper presenter at the annual meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, July). Environmental scanning programs at ACLI and united way: Implications for College and University Planning. Organizer and chair at the annual meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L., Simpson, E. G., & McGinty, D. G. (1987, July). The environmental scanning project at the University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Society for College and University Planning, Washington, DC. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED285490.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qqozxgiG.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, August). The turbulent world of management information systems. Directed the preconference professional development workshop for the Executive Program in Management Information Systems, The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, Durham, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, September). Year 2000--trends, implications. Directed the preconference professional development workshop for the Governor's Conference on Employment and Training, Richmond, VA.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, September). Demographics, trends, scanning, and taking action for the future. Paper presenter at the U. S. Department of Agriculture National 4-H Conference, September 27-30, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, October). The U.S. system of higher education. Paper Presenter at the Briefing for Senior Allied Officers, National Defense University, Sponsored by the UNC-CH International Center, Chapel Hill, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, October). SAIR/SCUP Environmental scanning network. Convener at the joint annual meeting of the Southern Association for Institutional Research/Society for College and University Planning, New Orleans, LA.
Morrison, J. L. (1987, October). ED QUEST--Linking environmental scanning with strategic management. Preconference workshop presented at the joint annual meeting of the Southern Association for Institutional Research/Society for College and University Planning, New Orleans, LA.
Mecca, T. V. & Morrison, J. L. (1988). Pathways to the future: Linking environmental scanning to strategic management. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED291415.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qqoQ9mQz.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, March). North Carolina 2000. Directed the preconference professional development workshop jointly sponsored by the School of Library and Information Sciences, North Carolina Central University, and the Department of Library and Information Studies, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, March). On studying the future of your college. Paper presenter at the annual meeting of the American Association for Higher Education, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, March). AAHE Environmental scanning network. Convener at the annual meeting of the American Association for Higher Education, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, March). Anticipating the future of higher education. Dinner presentation at the Phi Kappa Phi Awards Banquet, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
Morrison, J. L. & Mecca, T. V. (1988, May). ED QUEST: A process fo rlinking environmental changes with strategic management. Revised paper presented at a preconference workshop at the annual meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Phoeniz, AZ. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED295544.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qqnvYmmC.
Morrison, J. L., McGinty, Donna, and Simpson, Edward. (1988, April). Developing a comprehensive environmental scanning process to inform strategic planning: A case study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Educational Research, New Orleans.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, May). ED QUEST -- Linking environmental scanning with strategic management. Directed the preconference professional development workshop at the meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Phoenix, AZ.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, May). AIR SIG, Environmental scanning. Convener at the annual meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Phoenix, AZ.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, May). Strategic issues management.. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Phoenix, AZ.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, June). The continuing seminar on futures research in the school of education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Paper presented at the World Future Society Professional Members Forum, Salzburg, Austria. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED296679.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qqmiAdYX.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, July). Developing a comprehensive environmental scanning system: A case study. Paper presented a the annual conference of the Society for College and University Planning, Toronto. Available at http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED299901.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qqmNdmnl.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, August). ED QUEST -- Linking environmental scanning with strategic management.. Preconference professional development workshop at the Society for College and University Planning, Toronto, Canada.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, August). SCUP Environmental scanning network. Convener for the Society for College and University Planning, Toronto, Canada.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, August). Developing a comprehensive environmental scanning system: A case study. Paper presented for the Society for College and University Planning, Toronto, Canada.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, August). Developing an environmental scanning/forecasting capability: implications from a seminar. Paper presented at the Society for College and University Planning, Toronto, Canada.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, October). Planning for the future of the University of the Virgin Islands. Workshop Director, St. Thomas, VI.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, October). Planning for the future of the ASU Affirmative Action Program. Workshop Director, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, November). Anticipating the future of higher education. Keynote speaker for the Council of Baccalaureate and Higher Degree Programs, National League for Nursing, Cincinnati, OH.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, November). External analysis. Paper presenter. Information Associates, November 2, Atlanta, GA, Trenton, NJ.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, November). Planning for the future of public education in Southeastern North Carolina. Directed the preconference professional development workshop for the Consortium for the Advancement of Public Education, Jacksonville, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, November). Environmental scanning. Paper presented for the Virginia Community College Association annual meeting, Williamsburg, VA.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, December). The college student: Year 2000. Presentation to the UNC-Chapel Hill Division of Student Affairs, Chapel Hill, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1988, December). Anticipating the future of schools of nursing. Presentation to the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Nursing, Chapel Hill, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1989). The continuing seminar on organizational lanning and policy analysis. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED305120.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qqkz4lFA.
Morrison, J. L. (1989, January). Anticipating the future of public education. Professional development workshop at the Allstate/American Association of School Administrators Invited Seminar, The Future and America's Schools, Chicago, IL.
Morrison, J. L. (1989, June) The future of Army training. Presentation at the Focus on the Future Forum, Army Training Board, Ft. Monroe, VA.
Morrison, J. L. (1989, June). Planning for the Orange County (Florida) Public Schools strategic planning project. Workshop director. Orlando, FL.
Morrison, J. L. (1989, June). Environmental scanning. Workshop director for the Clemson University Strategic Planning Project, Clemson, SC.
Morrison, J. L. & Raney, D. L. (1989, March). Anticipating future environments for the Army National Guard. Professional development seminar presented at the Army National Guard Bureau Planning Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Morrison, J. L. & Mecca, T. V. (1989, April). Applying environmental analysis/forecasting techniques: Implications for institutional research. Paper presented at the meeting of the North Carolina Association for Institutional Research, High Point, NC.
Morrison, J. L., Porter, J. D., & Whitely, M. (1989, May). Cross-impact modeling: A new tool for institutional planning and policy analysis. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Baltimore, MD.
Jackson, C. & Morrison, J. L. (1989, May). Planning for the future: A data-based strategic model. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Baltimore, MD.
Morrison, J. L., Mecca, T. V., & Adams, C. A. (1989, July). Application of futures research techniques to educational planning and policy analysis. Preconference professional development workshop presented at the meeting of the World Future Society Sixth General Assembly "Future View: The 1990s and Beyond," Washington, D.C.
Gerjouy, H., Boucher, W., & Morrison, J. L. (1989, July). Advanced computer-based forecasting and modeling techniques. Panel discussion at the meeting of the World Future Society Sixth General Assembly "Future View: The 1990s and Beyond," Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L., Whitely, M., & Porter, J. D. (1989, July). Futures research and strategic planning. Breaking out of the limits of time and space. Panel discussion at the meeting of the World Future Society Sixth General Assembly "Future View: The 1990s and Beyond," Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (1989, July). Session Chair. Case studies of the ED QUEST planning model in higher education. Session at the meeting of the World Future Society Sixth General Assembly "Future View: The 1990s and Beyond," Washington, D.C.
Whitely, M, Morrison, J. L., & Porter, J. (1989, July). The use of alternative scenarios for planning and assessment. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, Denver, CO.
Morrison, J. L. & Mecca, T. V. (1989, July). ED QUEST--Linking environmental scanning with strategic management. Preconference professional development workshop presented at the meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, Denver, CO.
Morrison, J. L. & Mecca, T. V. (1989, July). Using environmental analysis/forecasting techniques in meeting the challenges of college and university planning. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, Denver, CO.
Ptaszynski, J. G. & Morrison, J. L. (1989, July). ED QUEST as an organizational development activity: Evaluating the benefits of environmental scanning. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, Denver, CO.
Morrison, J. L. (1989, August). The alternative futures approach to planning: Implications for institutional research offices. Paper presented at the meeting of the European Association for Institutional Research, Trier, West Germany. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED312962.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qqg5Hpoy.
Morrison, J. L. (1989, August). The BRAVO! scenario outline generator: A new tool for institutional planning and analysis. Paper presented at the meeting of the European Association for Institutional Research, Trier, West Germany.
Morrison, J. L. (1989, October). Environmental scanning. Presentation to the SAIR/SCUP Special Interest Group on Environmental Scanning at the joint meeting of the Southern Association of Institutional Research and the Society for College and University Planning, Durham, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1990, April). The alternative futures approach to long-range planning. Army World Wide Long-Range Planners' Conference, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. & Mecca, T. V. (1990, May). ED QUEST. Professional development preconference seminar conducted at the annual meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Louisville, KY.
Morrison, J. L. (1990, May). Establishing an environmental scanning system. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Louisville, KY.
Morrison, J. L. & Ptaszynski (1990, May). Developing an environmental scanning system in a graduate school of management: Lessons learned. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Louisville, KY. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED321684.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qq0mZOzD.
Morrison, J. L. (1990, June). Global change: Implications for higher education. Professional development seminar presented at St. Andrews University, Scotland. SRHE International Newsletter, Special Issue. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED325036.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qqfSaAd1.
Morrison, J. L. & Mecca, T. V. (1990, July). ED QUEST. Professional development preconference seminar conducted at the annual meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, Atlanta, GA.
Morrison, J. L. (1990, August). Using futures research in college and university planning. Professional development workshop at the 1990 North Carolina Association for Institutional Research Summer Drive-In Conference, Little Switzerland, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1990, September). The implications of shifting paradigms for the next edition of What Lies Ahead. Presentation to the Environmental Scanning Committee, United Way of America, Alexandria, VA.
Morrison, J. L. (1990 September) Planning the future of Lenoir-Rhyne College, Professional development workshop director for Lenoir-Rhyne faculty and administration, Hickory, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1990, October). Planning the future of Saint Augustine's College, Office of the President, Raleigh, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1990, October). Environmental scanning. Paper presented at the joint annual meeting of the Southern Association for Institutional Research and the Society for College and University Planning, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Morrison, J. L. (1990, October). Anticipating paradigm shifts: Implications for national security. Presentation to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (1990, October). The alternative futures approach to Army long-range planning. Presentation to the Army Research Institute for the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Alexandria, VA.
Morrison, J. L. (1990, October). The importance of environmental scanning in the alternative futures approach to Army long-range planning: Implications for the intelligence community. Presentation to the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (1990, November). Anticipating the future of higher education, General session presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Portland, OR. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED339286.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qqeWvsrq.
Morrison, J.L. (1991, April). Strategic planning: Implementation. Professional development workshop for the President's office. The University of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, VI.
Morrison, J. L. (1991, May). Strategic Planning. Professional development workshop for the administrative board of the Friday Center for Continuing Education, Chapel Hill, NC.
Morrison, J. L. and Ashley, W. C. (1991, June). Proactive management techniques. Professional development seminar sponsored by the UNC School of Education and the Friday Center for Continuing Education, Chapel Hill, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1991, June). An outside-in approach to management, analysis, and planning. Presentation at the Spring meeting of the Virginia Association for Management, Analysis, and Planning, Lynchburg, VA.
Attended Putting quality into higher education, annual meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Society for College and University Planning, Baltimore, MD, October, 1991.
Morrison, J. L. (1991, July). Global futurescan 2000. Presented at the meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, Seattle, WA.
Morrison, J. L. (1991, November). Improving the productivity of the future U.S. workforce. Professional development seminar for the Office of the Secretary of Labor, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (1991, October). Strategic planning: Implementation. Professional development workshop for the President's Office, The University of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, VI.
Morrison, J. L. (1991, October). Anticipating the future: The implications of paradigm shifts for the U.S. Military Academy. Presented to the Board of Trustees, the USMA Association of Graduates, West Point, NY.
Morrison, J. L. (1992, March 20-21).Anticipating the future, UNC-CH School of Education Alumni Symposium, Chapel Hill, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1992, March). Anticipating the future. Presentation at the senior executive seminar of the United Services Automobile Association, San Antonio, TX.
Morrison, J. L. (1992, May). Exploring the Future. Presentation at the annual Caltex Development Conference, Dallas, TX.
Morrison, J. L. (1992, May). Global FuturesScan 2000. Presentation at the annual Caltex Development Conference, Dallas, TX.
Morrison, J. L. (1992, June). Environmental scanning workshop. Professional development seminar for the Environmental Scanning Consortium of Michigan, Lansing, MI. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED347882.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qpu8jeXk.
Morrison, J. L. (1992, June). Proactive management techniques, International Strategic Planning Seminar for Leaders in Higher Education, London, England.
Morrison, J. L. (1992, July). Establishing an environmental scanning system and conducting an environmental vulnerability audit. Preconference professional development seminar, Society for College and University Planning, Minneapolis, MN.
Morrison, J. L. (1992, July). Planning for the future of the U.S. Army Reserve. Seminar for the Office, Chief Army Reserve, The Pentagon, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (1992, December). Your strategic plan-Opening your eyes to tomorrow. General session presentation at the Credit Union Executives Society Director's Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Morrison, J. L. and Ashley, W. C. (1993, March). Issues management: The role of a decision support system in managing uncertainty. Professional development seminar for the community college presidents' executive program, The UNC Institute for Academic and Professional Leadership, UNC School of Education, Chapel Hill, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1993, April). Environmental scanning in educational planning: Establishing a strategic trend information system. Paper presented at the 1993 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Atlanta, GA. [online]. Available: http://www.eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED361897.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5qpstmEwQ.
Morrison, J. L. (1993, May). Exploring the Future. Presentation at the annual Caltex Development Conference, Dallas, TX.
Morrison, J. L. (1993, May). Global FuturesScan 2000. Presentation at the annual Caltex Development Conference, Dallas, TX.
Morrison, J. L. (1993, May). Scenarios. Presentation at the annual Caltex Development Conference, Dallas, TX.
Ashley, W. C. and Morrison, J. L. (1993, June-July). Global futurescan 2000. Presentation at the 1993 meeting of the World Future Society, Washington, D. C.
Morrison, J. L. and Ashley, W. C. (1993, June-July). Anticipatory management. Preconference professional development seminar conducted at the 1993 meeting of the World Future Society, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (1993, 9-13 July). Surviving & prospering in a world of change: The third 'global change' international higher education strategic management seminar. Professional development seminar conducted at King Alfred's College, Winchester, England.
Morrison, J. L. and Keller, G. (1993, July). Conducting an institutional vulnerability audit of SCUP. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, Boston, MA.
Morrison, J. L. (1993, July). Trends and driving forces affecting the future of national security. Presentation at the Army National Guard Future Planning Conference, Little Rock, AK.
Morrison, J. L. (1993, July). Developing the U.S. Army Reserve Personnel Center strategic plan. Workshop conducted for Commander, ARPERCEN, St. Louis, MO.
Dill, D. D., Keller, G. and Morrison, J. L. (1993, December). Riding waves of change: Strategic planning for higher education. Professional development seminar conducted at the Institute for Academic and Professional Leadership, School of Education, the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1993, November 4). Global futurescan 2000. Keynote Address at the meeting of the North Carolina Career Information Consortium, Raleigh, NC.
Morrison, J. L. and Ashley, W. C. (1993, November-December). Proactive management techniques. Professional development seminar for the community college presidents' executive program, The UNC Institute for Academic and Professional Leadership, UNC School of Education, Chapel Hill, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1993-94). Developing the Army Reserve long-range plan, 1993-2023. Workshop series for Office of Chief, Army Reserve, Department of the Army, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (1994, February). Global futurescan 2000. Keynote Address at the meeting of the Texas Association for Institutional Research, El Paso, Texas.
Morrison, J. L. (1994, February). Conducting an institutional vulnerability audit. Preconference workshop at the meeting of the Texas Association for Institutional Research, El Paso, Texas.
Morrison, J. L. (1994, April). Exploring the Future. Presentation at the annual Caltex Development Conference, Dallas, TX.
Morrison, J. L. (1994, April). Global FuturesScan 2000. Presentation at the annual Caltex Development Conference, Dallas, TX.
Morrison, J. L. (1994, April). Scenarios. Presentation at the annual Caltex Development Conference, Dallas, TX.
Morrison, J. L. (1994, May). Anticipating the future: The business of paradigms. Linking Institutional Research, Planning, and Budgeting: The Key to Institutional Effectiveness. Conference held on the campus of Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
Morrison, J. L. (1994, May). Environmental scanning: A key component in the planning process. Linking Institutional Research, Planning, and Budgeting: The Key to Institutional Effectiveness. Professional development seminar at a conference held on the campus of Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
Morrison, J. L. (1994, May-June). What questions do you have about environmental scanning? Presentation at the annual conference of the Association for Institutional Research, New Orleans, LA.
Morrison, J. L. (1994, July-August). Emerging issues on the horizon: The fourth global change international higher education strategic management seminar. Seminar leader, St. Andrews University, Scotland.
Morrison, J. L. (1994, November). Global futurescan 2000. General session presentation at the American Association of School Administrators Symposium, The Future & America's Urban Schools, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (1994, November-December), The challenge of the 21st Century for educational early childhood Professionals. Preconference keynote address at the annual National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators, Atlanta, GA.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, February). Using environmental scanning tools and techniques in effective planning. Presentation at Beyond 2000, Orlando, FL.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, February). Environmental scanning as an IR tool for external analysis. Preconference professional development seminar at the annual meeting of the Texas Association for Institutional Research, San Antonio, TX.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, April). The challenge of the 21st century for colleges & universities. Keynote presentation at the 1995 SCUP Joint Great Lakes and Midwest Regional Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, April). Environmental scanning: A tool for more effective planning. Preconference professional development seminar at the 1995 SCUP Joint Great Lakes and Midwest Regional Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, May). Institutional vulnerability audit. Pre-forum professional development workshop at the annual meeting of the Association for Institutional Research, Boston, MA. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/conferences/air.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ie4wrokA.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, May). Anticipatory management. Three day seminar for the board of regents and senior staff of Lincoln University (Christ Church, New Zealand).
Morrison, J. L. (1995, June). Using environmental scanning tools and techniques in effective planning. Metropolitan Community College, Omaha, NE.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, July). Using environmental scanning tools and techniques. 1995 American Association of Community College Presidents Academy Summer Experience, Breckenridge, CO. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/aacc_proceed.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ie5AaXNL.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, July). Critical events affecting the future of Minnesota colleges and universities. 1995 Proceedings of a preconference professional development seminar at the annual meeting of the SCUP Joint Great Lakes and Midwest Regional Conference, Minneapolis, MN. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/SCUP.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ie5KVzNC.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, July). Environmental scanning: Strategies and applications. 1995 American Association of Community College Presidents Academy Summer Experience, Breckenridge, CO.
Morrison, J. L. and Wilson, I. (1995, July). The fifth global change strategic management seminar for educational leaders. University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews Scotland. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/conferences/scot_proceedings.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ezUkoKb6.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, July). Anticipating the future of higher education. Keynote address at the annual meeting of the SCUP Joint Great Lakes and Midwest Regional Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, August). Anticipatory issues management. AIR Professional Institute. University of Delaware.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, October). The World Wide Web: A new tool for educators. Presentation given at the 1995 International Team Building for Quality Conference, Greensboro, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, November). Environmental scanning. Workshop for James Madison University faculty and staff, Harrisonburg, VA.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, November). Challenges of the 21st century. Keynote speech, Assessing the Environment for Public Higher Education in Maine, Orono, ME.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, November). Shaping the Future of St. Cloud Technical College. Workshop for St. Cloud (MN) Technical College faculty and staff, St. Cloud, MN.
Morrison, J. L. (1995, October). The world-wide web: A new tool for educators. Paper presented at the 1995 International Team Building for Quality Conference, Greensboro, NC.
Ashley, W. C. & Morrison, J. L. (1995, December). Anticipatory management tools and techniques. Annual meeting of the Issues Management Council, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (1996, January). Planning for the future of McHenry County College. Workshop for mid-managers group, McHenry County College, Crystal Lake, IL.
Morrison, J. L. (1996, April) Developing our foresight capabilities: A new role for institutional researchers. Virginia Community College Systems Institutional Research Conference, Charlottesville, VA.
Morrison, J. L. (1996, May). Scenario planning. Five day seminar for the board of regents and the senior staff of Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Morrison, J. L. (1996, July). Anticipatory management. Pre-conference professional development workshop at the annual meeting of the World Future Society, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (1996, July). Vulnerability/opportunity audits. Pre-conference professional development at the annual meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, Washington, D. C.
Morrison, J. L. (1996, July). Challenges of the 21st Century. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the World Future Society, Washington, DC. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/Wfs/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ie5UVdrK.
Norris, D. L. & Morrison, J. L. (1996, July). Transforming higher education. Professional development conference sponsored by Lincoln University and On the Horizon, Christchurch, New Zealand. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/conferences/Lincoln96/
Morrison, J. L. (1996, July). Scenario planning. Two day seminar for the board of regents and the senior staff of Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Morrison, J. L. (1996, October). The challenge of the 21st century. Keynote speech for professional development workday for the faculty of the Metropolitan Community Colleges, Kansas City, MO.
Morrison, J. L. (1996, October). Using technology to enhance learning. Professional development workshop at the Metropolitan Community Colleges, Kansas City, MO.
Morrison, J. L. (1996, November). Challenges for teachers in the 21st century. Keynote speech, conference on Building an Educational Experience Through Applications of Computer-based Technologies, sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Stout, St. Paul, MN. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/technology/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ie5euuWc.
Morrison, J. L. (1996, December). Using technology productivity tools to enhance learning. Presentation at the annual meeting of CAUSE: the association for managing and using information resources in higher education, San Francisco, CA.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, February). Teaching today with tomorrow's technology. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Council on Education, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, February). Developing a foresight capability in higher education. Presentation at the annual meeting of the American Council on Education, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J.L.(1997, January). A look ahead. Professional development workshop for the faculty at Onondaga Community College, Syracuse, NY.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, February). Exploring visions of learning in the 21st century. Presentation/workshop for the St. Louis 2004 Learning Action Team, St. Louis, MO.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, February). The future of teaching and technology. Presentation to faculty, administration, and student body at Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, February). Anticipatory management tools and techniques. Presentation to the deans and department heads, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, February). Challenges facing higher education in the year 2005 AD. Presentation to Board of Trustees, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, February). Anticipating the future of higher education. Presentation to faculty, administration, and student body at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, February). Developing foresight capability in strategic planning. Workshop for the Indiana University strategic planning committee, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/indiana.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5tnAkDz76.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, June). Higher education in the 21st century. Keynote address presented at the conference Reinventing Higher Education, sponsored by Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/RHE/1997/Morrison.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ie6UEfJM.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, June). Developing foresight capability on your campus. Post-conference professional development workshop at the conference Reinventing Higher Education, sponsored by Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/RHE/1997/Morrison.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ie6UEfJM.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, July). Making the most of the Internet in your daily work. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, Chicago, IL.
Morrison, J. L. (1998, August). Higher education in the world. Keynote address at Vision 2006 Conference, sponsored by the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, October). Teaching and learning in the 21st century. Keynote address at the conference Multimedia In the Classroom and the Faculty of the Future, sponsored by Molloy College, Rockville Center, NY. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/ conferences/Molloy/morrisonpresentation/sld001.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ie6i45dw.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, October). Education in the 21st century. Keynote address presented at the annual meeting of the South Carolina Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Morrison, J. L. (1998, January). Distance education: Faculty perspectives. Presentation given at the Asynchronous and Distance Learning Forum, Palm Springs, CA.
Morrison, J. L. (1998, February). Anticipating the future of distance education. Keynote address presented at the conference Technology and Education in a Changing World, sponsored by the Maine Maritime Academy, Castaine, MN.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, October). Anticipating the future of higher education. Keynote address presented at the SCT Executive Forum, Dan Diego, CA. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/SCT-CA/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ie70xyka.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, October). Andragogical/pedagogical issues for distance learning: Barriers, issues and concerns. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Adult Educational Association, Chapel Hill, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, October). Education in the 21st century. Keynote address at the annual meeting of the South Carolina Association of Adult and Continuing Education, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Morrison, J. L. (1997, October). Teaching and learning in the 21st century. Keynote address at the University of Kansas opening their new Center for Teaching and Learning. Lawrence, KA. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/kansas/screen1/ and
Morrison, J. L. (1998, March). What lies ahead for higher education. Keynote address at the annual meeting of the Georgia Association of Institutional Research, Planning, Assessment, and Quality, Athens, GA.
Morrison, J. L. (1998, March). Anticipating the future of distance learning. Keynote address presented at The South Carolina Alliance 2020 Distance Education Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/distance/withoutcartoon/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ie79nGrZ.
Morrison, J. L. (1998, June). Transforming higher education thorough networked learning. Invited presentation for the University System of Maryland's Institute for Distance Education's Web Initiative in Teaching, College Park, MD. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ie7TMGV9.
Calhoun, T. & Morrison, J. L. (1998, July). Making effective use of the Internet in your daily work. Preconference workshop at the annual meeting of the Society for College and University Planning, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Morrison, J. L. (1998, September). Paradigm conflict in higher education: Implications for information technology professionals. Keynote presentation at WEbdevShare98, Bloomington, IN. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/bios/morrison/presentations/webdev/
Morrison, J. L. (1998, September). Electronic books: Implications for educational practice. Presentation at the National Institute of Standards and Technology Electronic Book 98 conference, Gaithersburg, MD.
Morrison, J. L. (1998, October). How to conduct efficient and effective Internet searches. Professional development workshop at the Michigan Community College Student Affairs Association Fall Conference, Traverse City, MI.
Morrison, J. L. (1998, October). Principles of effective Web design. Presentation at the Michigan Community College Student Affairs Association Fall Conference, Traverse City, MI.
Morrison, J. L. (1998, October). Developing a vision of using technology to enhance student services in Michigan community colleges. Professional development workshop at the Michigan Community College Student Affairs Association Fall Conference, Traverse City, MI.
Morrison, J. L. (1998, October). Constructing your personal Web page using FrontPage editor. Professional development workshop at the Michigan Community College Student Affairs Association Fall Conference, Traverse City, MI.
Morrison, J. L. (1998, October). Balancing academic traditions with innovative change: What do we gain . . . what do we lose. Panel session at the Western Cooperative for Telecommunications annual meeting, Reno, NV.
Morrison, J. L. (1998, November). Challenges in implementing distance education programs. Workshop at the Georgia Distance Learning Association's Founding Celebration Conference, Atlanta, GA. [online]. Available: http://horizon.unc.edu/conferences/gdla/workshop.asp
Morrison, J. L. (1998, November). Transforming education through distance learning. Keynote address at the Georgia Distance Learning Association's Founding Celebration Conference, Atlanta, GA. [online]. Available: (not yet linked).
Morrison, J. L. (1998, November). Community college education in the 21st century. Keynote address to the Howard Community College (MD) Commission on the Future, Columbia, MD. [online]. Available: (not yet linked).
Morrison, J. L. (1998, November). Untangling the net. Presentation at the Taking Control of Your Diabetes Conference, Raleigh, NC. [online]. Available: (not yet linked).
Morrison, J. L. and Ashley, W. C. (1998, December). Surfacing and challenging assumptions. Presentation at the Leadership Tools for Transforming Your Future conference, Federal Executive Institute, Charlottesville, VA. [online]. Available: (not yet linked).
Morrison, J. L. and Ashley, W. C. (1998, December). Introduction to anticipatory management techniques. Presentation at the Leadership Tools for Transforming Your Future conference, Federal Executive Institute, Charlottesville, VA. [online]. Available: (not yet linked).
Morrison, J. L. and Ashley, W. C. (1998, December). The 10-step issues management process. Presentation at the Leadership Tools for Transforming Your Future conference, Federal Executive Institute, Charlottesville, VA. [online]. Available: (not yet linked).
Morrison, J. L. and Ashley, W. C. (1998, December). Surfacing emerging strategic issues. Presentation at the Leadership Tools for Transforming Your Future conference, Federal Executive Institute, Charlottesville, VA. [online]. Available: (not yet linked).
Morrison, J. L. (1998, December). James Madison University in the 21st century. Presentation at the JMU Centennial Commission inaugural meeting, Harrisonburg, VA. [online]. Available: (not yet linked).
Morrison, J. L. (1998, December). James Madison University in 2008: The vision question. Workshop at the JMU Centennial Commission inaugural meeting, Harrisonburg, VA.
Morrison, J. L. (1999, February). Presenting papers, research, and yourself to the world. Carolina Technology Expo '99. Chapel Hill, NC.
Morrison ,J. L. (1999, March). Higher education in the 21st century. Keynote presentation at the annual Montana Student Affairs Conference, Missoula, MT.
Morrison, J. L. (1999, March). Transforming higher education through networked learning communities. Keynote presentation at the Creating and Sustaining Learning Communities Conference, Tampa, FL.
Morrison, J. L. (1999, April). Transforming education. Invited Address at the annual American Educational Research Association meeting, Montreal, Canada.
Morrison, J. L. (1999, August). Community college education in the 21st century. Keynote address at the annual Southeastern Association for Community College Research meeting, Norfolk, VA.
Morrison, J. L. (1999, August). The impact of teaching, learning, and research in 21st century community colleges. Workshop at the annual Southeastern Association for Community College Research meeting, Norfolk, VA.
Morrison, J. L. (1999, September). Anticipating the future of higher education. Keynote to Delta College Diversity Workshop, Saginaw, MI.
Morrison, J. L. (1999, September). Diversity at Delta College. Workshop leader at Delta College Diversity Workshop. Saginaw, MI.
Morrison, J. L. (1999, September). Resources on the web and Y2K concerns. Presentation at Taking Control of Your Diabetes 99 Conference, Raleigh Convention Center, Raleigh, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (1999, October). Teaching English in the 21st Century. Presentation at the Metropolitan State College at Denver, Denver, CO.
Morrison, J. L. (1999, October). Teaching, learning, and technology in the next decade. Presentation at the Distance ... '99 conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Morrison, J. L. (1999, October). National focus: Distance learning and technology. Panel at the Distance ... '99 conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Morrison, J. L. (1999, November). Linking external analysis to internal decision-making. Preconference professional development workshop, Society for College and University Planning Southeast Regional Conference, Raleigh, NC. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/scupworkshop.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ifhkV24Y.
Morrison, J. L. (1999, December). The road ahead for higher education. Keynote presentation at the College Students 2000 conference, The College Board, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. (2000, January). Anticipating the future of community colleges: Linking external analysis to internal decision. Preconference professional development workshop, 2000 Community College Futures Assembly, Orlando, FL. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/2000workshop.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ifhwM6sl.
Morrison, J. L. (2000, January). Higher education in the 21st century. Keynote presentation at the Higher Education Task Force Meeting, The National Education Association, Washington, DC.
Morrison, J. L. (2000, March). Anticipating the future of higher education. Presentation to City Club, New York City.
Morrison, J. L. (2000, March). A futurist looks at higher education. Keynote presentation at the 28th annual conference of The National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education, "Visions for the Future: Academic Collective Bargaining in 2020." New York City. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/conferences/Baruch_files/frame.htm and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ifi4ssx5.
Morrison, J. L. (2000, May). Environmental scanning in the strategic planning process. Workshop presentation at the Demographics Shape the Future of Higher Education conference, The College Board, Washington, D.C. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/collegeboardworkshop.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ifiDkpdG.
Morrison, J. L. (2000, May). Environmental scanning. Professional development workshop at the 40th annual Association for Institutional Forum. Cincinnati, OH. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/air2000workshop.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ifiPuaNT.
Morrison, J. L. (2000, July). The quest for lifelong learning. Presentation at the American Association for Retired Persons Public Affairs Forum, Washington, D.C.
Morrison, J. L. & Wilson, I. (2000, July). Futurizing your organization. Professional development preconference workshop at the annual conference of the World Future Society. Houston, TX. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/ futurizing/default-a.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ifibP1Zk.
Morrison, J. L. (2000, September). Planning for the future of Southwestern Adventist University. Workshop held for faculty and staff at Southwestern Adventist University, Dallas, TX. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/SWAU/swauworkshop.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ifiiYHSy.
Morrison, J. L. (2000, October). Higher education in the 21st century. Presentation at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/Kansas/UKpresentation_files/frame.htm
Morrison, J. L. (2000, October). Academic publishing in the 21st century. Presentation at the The Flight of Future Days conference, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/conferences/vmi.htm and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ifiq5qR0.
Morrison, J. L. (2000, November). Anticipating the future of California law enforcement. Professional development workshop at the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training Course, San Diego, CA. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/CAlaw.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ifizhxAS.
Morrison, J. L. (2000, December). The university is dead. Long live the university!. Keynote presentation at the eLearning Strategy Summit conference, International Quality and Productivity Center, Orlando, FL. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/conferences/dead_files/frame.htm
Morrison, J. L. (2001, March). From the publishing side of "publish or parish." Meet the editors on the forefront of technology and education. Panel discussion at the 2nd Annual CiTE Conference, Denver, CO.
Morrison, J. L. (2001, March). Anticipating the future of NTID. Presentation at Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY.
Morrison, J. L. (2001, June). Anticipating the future of California law enforcement. Professional development workshop at the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training Course, San Diego, CA. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/ seminars/CAlaw.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ifizhxAS.
Morrison, J. L. (2001, July). The future of distance learning. Keynote presentation at the Missouri Distance Learning Association annual conference, Jefferson City, MO. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/conferences/MoDL/MoDL.htm and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ih5jUm75.
Morrison, J. L. (2001, November). Anticipating the future of California law enforcement. Professional development workshop at the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training Course, San Diego, CA. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/CAlaw.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ifizhxAS.
Morrison, J. L. (2002, June). Anticipating the future of California law enforcement. Professional development workshop at the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training Course, San Diego, CA. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/CAlaw.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ifizhxAS.
Morrison, J. L. (2002, July). Futurizing your organization. Professional development seminar at the annual conference of the World Future Society, Philadelphia, PA. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/futurizing/default-b.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ifjYRAbp.
Morrison, J. L. (2002, July). The university is dead! Long live the university! Presentation at the annual conference of the World Future Society, Philadelphia, PA. The presentation was replicated in a webcast on July 22 courtesy of ULiveandLearn who established a discussion forum to continue the discussion generated by the webcast. On Tuesday, September 24, a second webcast was conducted around a manuscript developed from the original presentation. This manuscript is available for active discussion at Quick Topic Document Review.
Morrison, J. L. (2003, July). Futurizing your organization. Professional development seminar at the annual conference of the World Future Society, San Francisco, CA. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/futurizing/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ih4l4sm6.
Morrison, J. L. (2003, September). Foresight and strategic planning seminar. Professional development seminar sponsored by the APEC Center for Technological Foresight, Bankok. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/foresight.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ih4wlm4L.
Morrison, J. L. (2003, September). EEI scenario planning workshop. Professional development workshop sponsored by the Electrical and Electronic Institute of Thailand, Bangkok. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/eei.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ih52N6m0.(200
Morrison, J. L. (2003, November). Restructuring higher education. Presentation to the Mongolian Leadership Development Initiative, Chapel Hill, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (2004, January). Planning for the Future of Cardinal Stritch University. Cardinal Stritch University Faculty Institute, Milwaukee, WI.
Morrison, J. L. (2004, May). The university is dead! Long live the university! General session presentation at the annual conference of the Western Association of College and University Business Officers, Wailea, Maui, HI.
Morrison, J. L. (2004, June). Higher education in transition: Lessons from the American experience. Keynote presentation at the Fourth DIVERSE International Conference on Video and Videoconferencing in Education, Amsterdam, Netherlands. This address is available as a webcast (click on "Keynote Prof. James L. Morrison").
Morrison, J. L. (2004, July). How to Transition Your Dissertation into a Publishable Article. Presentation at the 2004 Conference on Global Leadership, Learning, and Research, Orlando, Florida.
Morrison, J. L. (2004, December). Is e-learning a discipline? Panel presentation at the 2004 Online Educa Berlin conference, Berlin.
Morrison, J. L. (2004, December). Innovations in using information technology tools in education. Round table discussion leader at the 2004 Online Educa Berlin conference, Berlin.
Morrison, J. L. (2005, March). Keynote presentation, Symposium on 21st century teaching technlogies: A continuing series of explorations. University of South Florida, Tampa. Available at http://www.netcast.usf.edu/pages/public%20lectures/c21te/2005.asx and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ih5AluLu.
Morrison, J. L. (2005, May). Anticipating the future of research, education and extension programs in land-grant colleges and universities. Four day seminar. Roanoke, VA. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/Roanoke/Roanoke.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ih5rKOkq.
Morrison, J. L. (2005, June). The university is dead! Long live the university!. Keynote presentation at the American Council on Education 2005 Council of Fellows Weekend, Arlington, VA. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/conferences/dead_files/univ%20is%20dead.ppt
Morrison, J. L. (2005, June). Back to the future: The technologically aware university. Conference consultant, Arlington, VA. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/ACE.asp and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ih60CCp5.
Morrison, J. L. (2005, August). The university is dead! Long live the university! Featured presentation at the Second Annual Innovations in Instruction Conference, Breaking new ground. Elon University, Elon, NC.
Morrison, J. L. (2005, December). ICT: The way to hell or paradise? Panel presentation at the 2005 Online Educa Berlin conference, Berlin.
Morrison, J. L. (2006, March). Focus on the Future. Perkins + Will featured presentation at the Association of College Unions International annual conference, Kansas City.
Morrison, J. L. (2007, March). Strategic Foresight: Scanning new horizons to boost higher education systems in the Middle East. Two-day workshop sponsored by IBN. Dubai. Available at http://www.horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/Dubai/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ih6QUfSF
Morrison, J. L. (2006, December). Comments and perspectives on educational technology issues in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Presentation at the Second National Workshop on Higher Education Issues, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Morrison, J. L. (2006, December). Planning for the future of higher education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Two-day workshop, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Morrison, J. L. (2007, March). Higher education in transition: Lessons from the American experience. Presentation at the American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/AUC.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ih69n1yp.
Morrison, J. L. (2007, March). Environmental scanning: Who, what, where, and how. Half-day workshop at the American University in Cairo. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/AUC.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ih6K2DOO.
Morrison, J. L. (2007, July). Developing foresight capability at Qatar University. Two-day workshop at Qatar University, Doha, Qatar. Available at http://www.horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/QatarU/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ih6YnljF.
Morrison, J. L. (2008, February). Transforming your presentation into a journal article. Presentation at the Texas Computer Education Associations 28th Annual Conference & Exposition, Austin, TX. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/conferences/transforming.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ih6e4Ixk.
Morrison, J. L. (2008, April). Towards a practical and sustainable ed-tech paradigm: A futurist perspective. Presentation at Innovation 2008, Breckenridge, CO. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/2008keynote.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ih6qhpkm. Video is also available.
Morrison, J. L. (2008, April). Education 2018. Keynote presentation at 2008 Telecoop Conference, Breckenridge, CO. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/telecoop2008.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ih6yxj9T.
Morrison, J. L. (2008, April). Education 2018. Invited presentation, Institute for Higher Education, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Available at http://vimeo.com/14171035
Morrison, J. L. (2008, September). Speculations on the future of higher education. Keynote presentation at Inquiring Pedagogies (iPED) Research Network Conference 2008, Coventry, UK. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/Speculations.pdf and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ih73YJ5P.
Morrison, J. L. (2009, June). Addressing the problem of faculty resistance to using educational media in active learning instructional strategies. Invited presentation at the ED-Media 2009-World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Telecommunications, Honolulu, HI. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/conferences/addressing.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ih7CGQsk.
Morrison, J. L. (2009, June). What editors expect. Invited presentation at ED-Media 2009-World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia, and Telecommunications, Honolulu, HI. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/conferences/addressing.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5ih7Jh2mm.
Morrison, J. L. (2010, January). Faculty resistance to technology-enhanced active learning strategies: What can e-leaders do? Keynote presentation at the 2010 E-Leaders Singapore Conference, Singapore. Description available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/
Morrison, J. L. (2010, January). Facilitating technology-enhanced active learning strategies on your campus. Presentation sponsored by the Japan Association of Language Teaching, Tokyo. Description available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/
Morrison, J. L. (2010, January). Technology-enhanced active learning strategies (TEALS). Invited presentation at the International Christian University, Tokyo. Description available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/
Morrison, J. L. (2010, January). Addressing the problem of faculty resistance to using IT tools in active learning instructional strategies. Invited presentation at the Center for Research in Educational Testing, Tokyo. Description available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/
Morrison, J. L. (2011, January). Higher education in transition. Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah Distinguished Speakers Series Lecture, Sunway University, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Description, slides, and video available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/
Morrison, J. L. (2011, January). Faculty resistance to technology-enhanced active learning: What can e-leaders do? Invited presentation at Multimedia University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Description, slides, and video available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/
Morrison, J. L. (2011, January). Implementing technology-enabled active learning strategies in K-12 education. Invited presentation at the 1st International Conference of TQM in K-12 Education: Best International Practices, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Description, slides, and video available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/
Morrison, J. L. (2011, January). Using a futures approach in organizational and instructional development. One-day workshop at the International Islamic University, Malaysia. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/IIUM.html and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5wYNtkWuF
Morrison, J. L. (2011, March). The changing landscape of American and Malaysian higher education. Invited presentation at the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia. Description and slides available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/
Morrison, J. L. (2011, March). Preparing your manuscript for publication in high impact journals. the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia. Description and slides available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/
Morrison, J. L. (2011, March). What does it take to start an e-journal? Invited presentation at the Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kuching, Malaysia. Description and slides available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/
Morrison, J. L. (2011, March). Strategic foresight in higher education. Two-day workshop sponsored by IBN. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/KL/ and archived at http://www.webcitation.org/5xlEp1bjI
Morrison, J. L. (2011, April). Further thoughts on "Don't Lecture Me!" Presentation at the Learning Futures Festival Online 2011. Available at http://connectpro52594655.adobeconnect.com/p35328619/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal. Rebuttal to Stephen Downes, "Long Live the Lecture!" at http://connectpro52594655.adobeconnect.com/p59672054/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal
Morrison, J. L. (2011, July). What lies ahead for America's community colleges. Three-hour workshop at the American Association of Community College Presidents Academy Summer Institute, Asheville, NC. The slides and presentation videos (Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV) are available as is the small group work product (flip chart notes).
Morrison, J. L. (2011, November). Challenges faced by community college leaders in planning for the future. Presentation in the Houston Community College Executive Speaker Series, Houston, TX. A video of the presentation is available in four parts (Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV).
Schechter, R. and Morrison, J. L. (2011, November). The future of higher education. The TV interview is available in two parts (Part I and Part II).
Morrison, J. L. (2012, March). Exploring the future of Hawkeye Community College. Waterloo, IA. Workshop description and workshop videos are available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/HCCworkshop.html
Morrison, J. L. (2012, May). Challenges to the higher education landscape. Presentation at Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore.
Morrison, J. L. (2012, May). Signals of change. Presentation at Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore.
Morrison, J. L. (2012, June). Accelerating the paradigm shift from lecture-centered to technology-enabled active learning. Presentation at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Description is available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/seminars/ntu.html
Morrison, J. L. (2012, July). Disruptive Innovations. Presentation at the World Future Society annual conference, Toronto, Canada. Description is available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/
Morrison, J. L. (2012, July). Accelerating the paradigm shift from lecture-centered to technology-enabled active learning instructional methods. Presentation at the World Future Society annual conference, Toronto, Canada. Description including the video of the presentation is available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/
Morrison, J. L. and Newstetter, W. (2013, October). Disruptive Innovations in higher education: Implications for the 21st century campus. Plenary workshop at the Society for College and University Planning Southern Regional Conference, Atlanta, GA. Session description including the video is available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/
Morrison, J. L. (2014, February). Anticipating the Future of the Global Business Environment: Implications for Business Entrepreneurs. Keynote workshop at the Second Annual Conference on Entrepreneurship, Tehran, Iran. Description and vidoes are available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/
Morrison, J. L. (2014, February). Anticipating the Future of the Global Economic Environment. Presentation to the Iranian Ministry of Economic and Fiscal Affairs, Terhan, Iran.
Morrison, J. L. (2015, December). Anticipating the Future of Science and Technology. Presentation at the International Conference on Science and Engineering, Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Description including the video of the session is available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/
Morrison, J. L. (2015, December). Anticipatory Management: Tools and Techniques for Effective Decision Making in a Turbulent World. Presentation at the International Conference on Management and Humanities, Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Description including the video of the session is available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/
Morrison, J. L. (2016, April). Preparing Your Manuscript for Publication. Presentation to the Computer Science Department Graduate Student Association, North Carolina State University. Description is available at http://horizon.unc.edu/projects/presentations/
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